Rontanamo Bay

I do like these a lot, and the color scheme works well, but the asymmetry of the tongues bothers me. I like the idea of the game boxes on the shoes, but I think I prefer the SNES shoes overall. The NES ones are a nice compromise with the different game boxes that still look quite alike and don’t throw off the

Well said!  I admire you for admitting that the last straw is ultimately a bit arbitrary and that maybe you should have done this earlier, but that you’re doing it and writing about it anyway.

I got tired of all the games I was playing/Undertale hasn’t really clicked with me yet, so I dropped everything for the moment and went back to Dragon Quest III on my phone, which I last played in 2014 when I had a broken thumb. Everyone talking about Dragon Quest XI really makes me want to play a modern DQ game, so

I disagree with pretty much everything you’ve just said, because they laid out very clearly the method of their study at the top of the article. I accepted their methods because I really wasn’t taking any of this very seriously. However, while designing a survey that uses numbers and polls a sample size large enough

It really was, PZ. Not sure why you think you’re able to be inside my head while I made these comments after I already made them, which of course is both condescending and absurd, but I assure you at no time during writing these comments on this article, as now, was I at all agitated. My comments all were meant as

Sorry but you are wrong. That is not me. If you sift through this comment thread, you’ll find a reply I wrote to someone else who made a similar comment but didn’t assume how I would react, where I said they made a reasonable point but I still feel Soft Batch are the best store bought chocolate chip cookie even

I’ve noticed the screen flicker occasionally, which at first I thought was specific to my unit, but was also a thing on the SE Samus N3DS I bought as well. It’s a slight bummer, but otherwise I love the face tracking, and I transitioned from always using the 3D but usually at 50% on the old model to always using it

Yeah I think Kid Icarus is really underrated.  That game is so much fun and looks amazing with the 3D on.

I don’t quite understand, are you saying you were wrong by calling 3D a gimmick, or that you like the 3D effect despite it being gimmicky? It sounds like you’re saying the latter, in which case, I’ve never disagreed with you more. The 3D effect absolutely improves my spacial awareness, and the overall gameplay IMO,

It’s so interesting when smart reviewers write reviews that directly contradict each other. I encourage anyone disappointed by Gita’s review to read the Polygon review, in which a big fan of the original writes that the combat in this version was really fun, and that he didn’t miss the systems that were left out for

Actually it was a light and playful ribbing, totally appropriate for a humorous food blog.  

Once again, you misread my tone.  I was in no way angry, and neither were my words.

That’s a reasonable point. Too bad the author didn’t make it. Even without the microwaving though, I still feel Keebler Soft Batch are the best store-bought chocolate chip cookie. However, I strongly maintain that only having one soft cookie selection in a blind taste test featuring nine different cookies makes for

The number of recommendations my comments have received say you’re wrong.

Yeah, I gathered that after reading a few other comments. I’m definitely not a Pokémon fan. But that’s further evidence that this baskteball player does not look like this video game character.

Your assumption is wrong, and you really have to get better at grasping the tone of other’s comments, cause your read on mine was wayyy off.  Or you don’t, I guess.

We’re talking store bought cookies here.  They only get so good.  But I maintain the Soft Batch cookies are excellent for what you can get, especially a little bit microwaved.  If you haven’t had the Soft Batch cookies, don’t be insulting my taste buds.  I have excellent taste.

I totally disagree.  My favorite chocolate chip cookies in the world are the homemade Toll House recipe cookies right out of the oven, when they are soft A eff.

10 minutes is crazy.  But yes.

Honestly I don’t really remember, it’s been so long.  I feel like I did it for 15 seconds on 60% power or something along those lines.