Rontanamo Bay

He really doesn’t though... Totally different nose, eyebrows pointed the wrong way, differently shaped jaw. Maybe if their eyes were open they’d look more alike. But as it is, I only assume their eyes don’t look alike either, since they both have them shut.

If it were soft and undercooked, I absolutely would scarf that shit up if it were placed in front of me. Otherwise, I could do without the calories.

I agree 100%, and I’m actually at a complete loss as to why they were not considered.  Maybe they’re a regional favorite?  I’ve spent my whole life in the NYC and Philly metro areas myself.

What’s your point? I read Gizmodo-brand sites all the time. That doesn’t mean I have to agree with all of the posts, or not give them ad revenue when I disagree.

Dude, you’re the one who did the blind taste test, and wrote an article on your food blog about it.

I hope it gets ported to something that’s not a PC! Papers, Please was fantastic on iPad, and I’d love to play the next game from its developer.

As others have mentioned, your lame “(yes we didn’t chose your favorite cookie; no, we didn’t do it on purpose)” disclaimer is not nearly enough explanation for why there is only one Soft cookie selection. And everyone with whom I spend my time who has been alive that long has know since the 80s that Keebler Soft

His is why I really like your Tips for Playing... posts, because they give me this type of useful info one might take a few hours to discover, and I always feel well equipped to enjoy the game fully from the start. You all should do more of those.

Wow, those are an awful lot of technical caveats.  I guess the process is much more complicated than we all assumed?  No matter, I’m very pleased this is happening, regardless of the conditions.

My former roommate/ex-best friend chose my name for me before we understood what he was doing. I would not have chosen the name he picked. Not everyone looking to change their PSN name chose their original name out of carelessness, or because they thought it was a joke or would be easy to change.

Fantastic!  Superb arrangements, and a very well-choreographed run.  Very enjoyable viewing indeed.  I appreciated how the conductor was using a Wind Waker to conduct.  I’ve always wanted to do that.

I don’t believe you heard me complain.  I only brought it up because this one editor wrote a whole piece expressing the opposite opinion.

Are you saying you don’t enjoy violence in video games?  

Ha, funny, I had the opposite reaction of the premise of this post.  I’m three or four Sable crimes away from a platinum trophy, and I’m like, “boy this game sure is dead post-launch.”

Yeah, that was my general reaction as well, that this game was designed primarily to provide escapism, in part my creating a fictionalized version of our world.  And therefore, it shouldn’t be expected to reflect the real problems we are dealing with, even if it uses an actual place for its setting.

I think their point was that it would have added nothing to the story Insomniac chose to tell.  Which I think is correct.

Nerf Now and Double XP knock it out of the park this week.

Thank you for summarizing the situation rather than telling those of us who were ignorant to look it up, or making a snarky comment. I personally vaguely knew of Peachette, and that Bowsette was a fan response, but I had forgotten about the whole crown aspect (because I didn’t really read the stories, just the

Jeez this is a bummer of a week for quotes, isn’t it?Is everyone talking about how easy it is to fail in game development mainly because of Telltale?

1. If I don’t remember one line of dialogue in a game I played for at least fifty hours, you jumping to the conclusion that I wasn’t paying attention is horseshit, and your own fucking fault.