Oh shit, you just reminded me that it’s a long weekend in America, too! Thanks for that. Though I’d much rather be Canadian at this moment in history.
Oh shit, you just reminded me that it’s a long weekend in America, too! Thanks for that. Though I’d much rather be Canadian at this moment in history.
I totally share that feeling regarding AC games. The last one I bought at launch was 3 as well, and I really disliked that game. And they go on sale so quickly. I really enjoyed Origins tremendously, so I’m tempted as well, but thankfully I only finished Origins a month or so ago, so I’m not quite ready to play…
I finished Spider-Man this week, and I’ve lost interest a bit in Octopath Traveler and Okami HD (though I definitely got my money’s worth out of both), so I’m going to dive into some new stuff this weekend. This will include, but probably not be limited to: Ori and the Blind Forest and Undertale.
Quick question: Did you play AC Origins? I ask because supposedly Odyssey is a sequel, and I would be very intrigued if you did in fact play Origins, and Odyssey is not what you expected.
That’s all fine, except you are totally inferring the first paragraph in this last comment. Nothing in the gam suggested she was upset with him, and we have no idea why they broke up. If what you said was actually in the game, I’d buy your explanation. But it’s not. It may have felt real to you, but it sounds like…
I hope you’re not in the minority. I loved those little puzzles. They were an excellent diversion from the web-swinging, unlike MJ’s and Miles’s stealth sections.
You answered your own question. The world has already shepherded him through his public rehabilitation. As far as the world is concerned, he’s either totally innocent, or he’s paid his dues. I’m not saying that is right in any way. I’m just saying your confusion is either naive or feigned.
Wow what’s the point in getting upset about this? Especially when you’re the one who misunderstood my comment, not the other way around. I’m saying, why would Mary Jane ever interpret his comment that way, given how he acted towards her for the whole game? I understand that Peter never considered that his comment…
Sorry but you’re wrong. If a 30-hour game based entirely around combat and puzzles that are solved with motion controls has motion controls that simply don’t work, no one would play that game for 30 hours. It’s impossible to actually fathom that scenario because Nintendo would never release a first-party game that…
Super Bomberman R is not bad, and it’s not an exclusive.
Some of us enjoy gaming in glasses-free 3D, Luke. Not that they are making use of that feature anymore :-/
Interesting, I hadn’t heard that. I’ll keep that in mind. FWIW I actually already have Ori and the Blind Forest but have not yet played it, and I definitely plan to do so before I play Celeste.
Bravo *applauds*
Except why would he say that if he spent the entire game trying to get her to like him again?
Seriously. I’m almost burnt out on excellent 2D action-platformers, which I never thought could happen. I really wanted to download Dead Cells next, but I also have Ori and the Blind Forest already downloaded and unplayed. I’ll definitely pick up Celeste and Dead Cells if they go on sale, but I really should go for…
The second it goes on sale, or I’m given an eshop card as a present, I’m downloading it!
Ok, so Celeste it is!
You’re just lying and lying. You could not bowl a 300 in Wii Bowling by “waving the Wiimote like you were having an epileptic seizure”. That is simply a bald-faced lie. And Zelda would not have sold well if the controls didn’t work, BECAUSE PEOPLE DON’T BUY GAMES WITH BROKEN CONTROLS, unless that’s part of the…
You may be trying to dissuade me from arguing by filling your point with falsehoods, but I won’t be dissuaded, you future Republican Congressman you.
The controls worked or they didn’t. The answer to that question is a matter of fact. And as we know given that the game got good reviews and sold pretty well, the fact is that the controls worked. Now ultimately, you saying that they were “terrible” is an opinion, but I’m saying your opinion is so very misguided to…