Rontanamo Bay

Wow, I audibly chuckled twice, and none of them made me roll eyes! Best week for comics in a long while. As others have said, Corpse Run and Gamercat are the clear winners (I didn’t really get Nerf Now). Although Lady and the Tramp being shot down in Awkward Zombie was also a winning punchline.

Other people explained the answer to your question, but I want to emphasize the point that I often click on the review before I’ve seen the episode just to see the grade, which I did for this episode. An image of Howerton would have been a big spoiler for me.

Don’t be sorry. I had the opposite reaction: I was impressed by how well you avoided that spoiler until the latter half of the review. Anyone who expects episode reviews to be spoiler-free is being unreasonable. You can’t discuss an episode of television without discussing said episode.

I’ve played for many, many dance rehearsals and classes, and I have several friends who dance professionally, so yes, I know what she’s going through. Just because I’m not a lawyer doesn’t mean I don’t have a pretty good idea of what being one is like.

Sure, but I would expect someone responding to say something relevant at least.

Holy shit it feels like you’re mocking me but I don’t care at all cause that was too effing funny.

Two reasons. One, it’s quite common for large corporations to have extracurricular activities for employees to socialize within, like a softball league or a musical ensemble. Secondly, this particular company lost hundreds of employees on 9/11, and up until last year, we performed at the memorial they hold every

I gotta be honest, I do not see how your comment is a response to mine in any way. My only point was that getting bored with your job is not a unique experience that is newsworthy, and young people who experience it should try to have some perspective before deciding they might want to find a new career after four

Well the choir ain’t gonna direct itself.

I’m sorry, as someone who has a gig as a choir director for a large insurance company, I have absolutely no sympathy for Littlesiha. Many of the people in my choir do not enjoy their jobs, and yet some have been doing the same thing for decades.  And they have to brave an awful morning commute into Manhattan to do

Everyone’s experience is different. I’m also an independent contractor and I’ve experienced none of what you talk about. Sometimes I have the opposite problem though. If I play nine hours of voice lessons in a day, I am often so sick of listening to music that I will go home and play video games with the music

Thanks for the replies everyone! Don’t let anyone ever say this is a toxic community here at Kotaku.

Is it like that though? Cause I’m pretty sure heroin can be satisfying even in single player mode.

Ok I have a couple questions: I am getting a free copy of Destiny 2 for pre ordering Spider-Man at Best Buy; is there any point in playing the game if one does not have PS+? And if there is, is the lore/jargon going to be a barrier to entry for me, having had no experience with the franchise at all?

Lol @ “Joel Last-of-Us”.

I don’t how one can create a universal criteria for determining “essential” amiibo; if you figure it out, let me know. But my personal favorites, among the more than 50 I have, are the BotW figures, the Samus and Metroid from Samus Returns, Rosalina, Mega Man, Toon Link, the five Pikmin on a rock, and Boo.

That’s a sweet pipe.

Yay Metroid!  Let’s talk about Zero Mission.

NOW I remember the hacking minigames. Thank you. I definitely did enjoy them, as I always enjoyed autoscrolling 2D space shooters. And I did feel it was a satisfying way to make up for the simplified melee combat, which like everything else in this brilliant game, had a narrative justification. Ah, good times.

Todd is the best pop culture writer I’ve ever come across. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he wrote the headline or sub header.