Rontanamo Bay

I like the look of it, and if I happen to see it in stock at Best Buy dot com, I will be purchasing at 20% off plus a $10 preorder credit.

HOW DO THEY GET SERVICE DOWN THERE? I want their cell service provider.

You’re assuming motivation. I’m arguing he voted the way he did because he is a Republican and believes the things Republicans stand for, not because he was trying to satisfy his party or his president. 80% is actually not that high relative to all GOP Senators, and expecting a Republican Senator to not vote the

Nothing definitive.  Just rumors.

The Wonder Boy remake is great!  The Lizard Cube people definitely know what they are doing re: 2D side-scrollers.

The tone and premise of this article seems petty and in poor taste, even if it is factually correct. The man just died, and in today’s climate he was a damn Republican hero for what he has said about Trump. Not only that, but the fact that he leaked in May that he didn’t want Trump at his funeral is going to make

Of course he voted with Trump 80% of the time. He’s a Republican Senator. Jeff Flake, who wrote a whole book about how much he hates Trump, votes with him 83% of the time according to 538. That fact says absolutely nothing about his character, or his feelings for Trump. Unless you feel that just being a Republican

People are assuming you don’t own the Xbox at the end of the two years, but do we know that’s true?  There’s nothing in the article that confirms that, and the second paragraph seems to imply the opposite is true, given that Ethan said of the Xbox One S deal that it, “looks pretty good”.  If you lease these things for

You know, I question the decision to have this be the banner story on your homepage for three days in a row, but I understand and respect where it comes from. More importantly, though, I really appreciate that you made clear in the headline that this tragedy was the kid’s fault. I’ve seen the story reported on a few 

I just finished the surprisingly compelling main story of Assassin’s Creed Origins, but I don’t feel quite done with the game yet. So I’ll probaby spend some hours wandering around Egpyt some more, uncovering the handful of large sections of the enormous map that are still hidden. I think I’m level 38, so that

That’s excellent timing on that Monster Hunter instructional stream, Heather! I felt compelled to buy something at the local video game store my brother took me to earlier this week on my visit to the suburbs, and I decided to give the franchise a try for the first time with a used copy of MHG on 3DS. Looking forward t

We drew maps on graph paper, that’s how. This is the one game I actually did that with my brother, and it was awesome. He’s five years older, and I think he had prior experience doing that with text adventures.

I agree with so much of this. I remember really enjoying this movie because it was totally weird and had really compelling, surprising moments mixed in with a bunch of crap. I was underwhelmed by both Spider-Man and X-Men (Spider-Man 2 is the first great Marvel movie) so I was certainly very open to a more odd

I totally agree.  That was possibly my favorite reveal in a game full of great ones.  Sure, the game came out four months ago, but video games are time-consuming and it is totally reasonable to not be able to make time for a game like this until several months after the fact, and to not want to be spoiled until you

Like every other reasonable person around here, I have had the same set of rechargeable batteries for several years now. That technology has improved drastically since the 90s.  At this point the only things that use them are the controllers for the 360 and the Xbone, and the trackpad for my iMac, so I always have

I’ve read this comment from other people, but this is the first time I’ve clicked on an article around here and been annoyed that it is merely a video with no text version. I understand Univision needs that sweet ad revenue, but Kotaku always posted text “Hands On” pieces until very recently, and I always looked

Sounds good! I’ve loved Assassin’s Creed Origins. Possibly my favorte entry in the franchise (it’s been years since I played the Ezio trilogy, I hardly remember it at this point...). I think Odyssey has a chance to be really good as a direct sequel to Origins, but two games in two years seems to be the quickest

Man up and fucking respond, you coward.

What herogear said about A Hat In Time occured to me too, but also that DrinkBox said for a while that Severed would be a Vita exclusive, and it eventually came out on all the Nintendo consoles with touch screens, and iOS. Not releasing your 2D Metroidvania on Switch isn’t quite as silly a decision as releasing a Vita

Their intention may have totally been a grammar joke, which I did not get, and is kind of amusing. But the meme they are referencing is the meme they are referencing one way or the other. At the very least, it was insensitive to make light of these issues by referencing that meme in their grammar joke.