Yas, Jason. Keep feeding us the sweet, sweet truth. We need it desperately. In this political climate, we can’t let anyone get away with bullshit like this. The importance of objective truth must constantly be reinforced.
Yas, Jason. Keep feeding us the sweet, sweet truth. We need it desperately. In this political climate, we can’t let anyone get away with bullshit like this. The importance of objective truth must constantly be reinforced.
I’m downloading the latest No Man’s Sky patch as I type this, so it seems finally time for me to give it another try. I haven’t played since the month after it launched. I did put about 20 hours in originally, so I’m in that grey area between having enough crap that it would be disappointing to lose it all by…
Ok this is fascinating. I love that the actors pushed the characters in this direction, contrary to David Cage’s wishes. And it’s very interesting that this would normally face accusations of “queerbaiting” - which I did not know was a thing - but doesn’t in this case because nobody thinks the source material is…
Ok I happen to be working at my computer so I decided to try the quiz out for once. I got Frasier Crane. Worst quiz ever. I fucking hate Frasier. And I wanted to see what Smash Bros character I was, not what lame 90s sitcom character I was. Although I see from others’ comments that it could have been worse: I could…
Hey, Gita! Why do you not care that none of your quizzes ever works on mobile devices?
Ooh ooh was this topic chosen because I posed this very question in the thread of the article in which you reported this story?? I suppose I should listen and find out...
Cool, I have iTunes credit any way, so I’mma just go do it. Thanks!
This looks great, but I don’t see the free version in the App Store. I would really like to try it out before paying $5.
Exactly. The second half of your comment is exactly my point. That’s why I don’t understand. Just push the deadline.
I don’t understand why someone who has the privilege of writing about games for a major games journalism outlet would do this. If you’re able to rise to that level in your career, just write your own damn article! That’s the easy part of your job. It seems like the potential for negative consequences far outweigh…
Saying “sness” is just stupid to you because that’s not what you grew up with. I think saying each letter is totally asinine, both because it goes against my experience and because it’s cumbersome.
This game sounds like an excellent cross between two of the games I’ve been playing on Switch lately, Hollow Knight and Enter the Gungeon. I’m so thankful for the Switch eShop’s Wish List.
It’s not like they’re being lazy. They specifically said they have been focusing their resources on a timely release and FREE DLC. All companies in every industry have limited resources, after all.
I’m with Strossus and Umfozzles. If you know what Hollow Knight is going in, it’s hard to imagine someone being “profoundly disappointed” by it, since it so perfectly executes what it sets out to do.
I was just saying this exact thing in another thread! In less than 30 days between June and July, I bought five games, which is far higher than my normal rate of purchase:
The summer session is over tomorrow at 1pm, all my workshops have closed, so I’m going to play so many effing games this weekend (which basically includes the next three weeks as of now):
As usual, I defer to Arnheim’s comment for the most succint, expressive version of my thoughts, so I’ll just say this: Welcome back, sir. I’m so glad you’re with us.
Yeah, that’s been my thought through this as well. My strongest memory of her IRL was that Tom Arnold left her cause she was too crazy.
But isn’t it assumed that everyone chooses the character they choose in order to achieve the same goals? If you’re playing with random people, there’s nothing wrong with assuming there will be no pre-planned strategy and everyone needs to adapt to team play on the fly. I have never played this game, mainly because I…
Excellent, that is great to hear. The reviewer I referenced earlier specifically did complain that the art style made the different areas blend together visually, which compounded his problem of not having a map. But screenshots I’ve seen made me doubt his complain, and I trust you at this point more than him.