Rontanamo Bay

I’m pretty sure the reason it’s not as fondly remembered is the absurdly high fail rate of the hardware. It had fantastic games (though my favorites were all multiplats), but it’s the only console I‘ve ever needed to replace more than once. Guess what: I owned FIVE Xbox 360s while it was in production. That’s how

You definitely could not, no. I know that for a fact. That’s why what Luke - and everyone else who bothered to reply to you apparently - said makes no sense.

Meh, sort of. She does say “that’s part of the job - to make the game appeal to everyone”, which is sort of the opposite of what I am saying.

I’ve been to West Virginia as a tourist! Summer Stock is pretty good there.

I don’t disagree with anything you’ve written here, but at the same time, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with making a video game that is designed - in part - to titilate men. And there’s absolutely no reason such a game should not have good gameplay just because it’s designed to be sexy. But I don’t

Ugh you keep saying that! Why should anyone who can afford it buy the New 2DS instead of the New 3DS??? It makes absolutely no sense. The 3D effect works so well on the New 3DS, it makes every game experience better, and if for some crazy reason you don’t want to use the 3D effect one day, just turn it off. There

Ugh you keep saying that! Why should anyone who can afford it buy the New 2DS instead of the New 3DS??? It makes

The beta for Mario Tennis Aces convinced me to go for it. The Switch is the perfect console for that game.

The online play worked great for me during the beta as long as I was playing against someone who had a signal strength of at least three out of five bars. The one time I played someone with lower signal strength, it was bad and I quit out of the match, but otherwise it was very smooth. I mostly got destroyed, but it

I know there’s no reason anyone would have this information, but does anyone know if the Community blu rays include the DVD extras? That show had excellent blooper reels, and I misplaced my seasons 1 & 2 discs somehow.

I know there’s no reason anyone would have this information, but does anyone know if the Community blu rays include

Yeah I’m super lucky to have a job that I love, but sixteen hours of rehearsal in a weekend doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for video games.

I’ll be playing the piano primarily this weekend. But other than that, I’ll be rotating among Assassin’s Creed Origins, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon, and Twilight Princess HD.

Thanks! #BringBackHinkie

A known hardcore Smash fan describing other fans who prefer a co-op mode to the main competitive mode as “whimsical” feels condescending to me, even if it is not meant as an insult, and that has nothing to do with the tone of the game itself. As I said to another commenter who replied to me, I totally get that not

Well, I’m not that offended, but I do like Kotaku because there is not a whiff of gamer elitism in the writing (among other reasons). So I’m going to call it out when I perceive it. I know many people who love Subspace Emissary mode the most will not be offended at all by being described as “whimsical” for feeling

“More whimsical fans”, really? How about people who would rather play with their friends than against them? That’s one of the more condescending comments I’ve read from a Kotaku editor.

I was also impressed by the ferns.

I don’t know, I’m with you. I got the strong impression when they first showed it that it was a good four or five years away from having any gameplay ready to show off, and that it probably wasn’t coming to the current generation. I get what Jason is saying, but this is Square Enix - and the Final Fantasy VII remake

It’s all about The Process.

Yeah, I found the headline misleading. Platinum Games is famous for so much more than NieR, and it seems to me that people think of NieR as a Yoko Taro game, not a Platinum Games game.

No Switch version, really? Unless the remaster of this game from 2004 really can’t run on the console, that seems like a very poor decision. Not sure I want to play this game anchored to my television.