Rontanamo Bay

No, I don’t think so. I meant the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer interrupting Phil Spencer was a killer ending to the press conference. But they played that montage of all the games they showed at the press conference after the C2077 trailer, and it would have been more impactful if they didn’t show that montage and had

I was just talking to my friend who is playing The Witcher 3 for the first time right now about how Novigrad is far and away my favorite city in an RPG. If what we saw in this trailer can be explored and experienced as thoroughly as Novigrad could, this game could be truly mindblowing. 

Well put.

Ok they should have ended it with the C2077 trailer, but that was still a killer ending to an e3 press conference.

Shit if this is finally the 3D spiritual successor to Bionic Commando that all us NES kids have been waiting for, I’ll freak the eff out. From Software is the perfect dev to tackle something like that. I’m skeptical because they only showed the character using that ability one or two times, but I am absolutely

The trailer actually says Xbox One, PS4, and Steam at the very end.

Not bad this week. Really enjoyed Double XP.

Also, “I really like the Khajit” was a great line.

C&C Red Alert was ill. That and Warcraft 2 are the only RTS games I ever truly enjoyed.

That’s what I was wondering. I think the question mark is still apt.

Well, it seemed like before the new policy that the only thing that large groups of people wanted on the platform that wasn’t there already were the erotic games. So I figured the solution would be to do exactly what they were doing before, but allow erotic games. Of course they’d have to figure out how to filter

Is Valve a publicly traded company? What is their board of trustees like? Who exactly are they beholden to? They seem to be incredibly loosely managed - as if they were making it up as they go along - for such a large company.

Yeah, it might not make any difference for you. The more important point is that the combat really does evolve quite a bit, and there is definitely a rhythm to it that is very satisfying when you get into the flow. It’s less true at the beginning of the game than it is later on when there are more enemies of

Just downloaded AC Origins from the MS e3 sale, so I’m looking forward to starting that sometime in the next few days. And more Twilight Princess HD on my Wii U that is not connected to a TV. And something on the Switch, too. Probably Doom and/or Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap.

Have you tried switching the combat buttons from the triggers to the face buttons in God of War? I much preferred that scheme. Once I got used to throwing the ax and retrieving it, damaging enemies in both directions, that’s when the combat clicked for me. And it just gets more fun as you get more skills and runes.

I totally agree. On the other hand, I loved Subspace Emissary mode, particularly the co-op gameplay, which is why Brawl is my favorite Smash. So I’m really hoping for something similar in the upcoming Smash.

Just don’t go assuming that every person who complains about echo chambers is a reactionary asshat. I’m a big liberal, but I feel strongly that echo chambers on both sides are one of the biggest reasons American politics is such a shitshow at the moment.

Nice. The music at the end was an excellent touch.

Awesome! I totally bought it after seeing this deal, and I’m glad yours was the first comment I read upon returning to this post. I loved the Ezio Trilogy, but I got really bored with ACIII, and haven’t played more than an hour or two of any of the games since then. Excited to dive in once it is downloaded.

Awesome! I totally bought it after seeing this deal, and I’m glad yours was the first comment I read upon returning

Ok, well you were kind of condescending at the top of your comment, but it turned out to be very substantive in the end. So I’ll give you a star. Thanks for the info, I guess I’ll stick with my consoles.