Rontanamo Bay

Yeah the console exclusives is the one reason I would always hesitate to become a PC gaming snob. Red Dead Redemption was the best game of the previous console generation IMHO. And The Last of Us was the second best.

Please don’t flame me for my sincere query: Does anyone play PC games at high resolutions and framerates on a Mac? I use Logic as part of my livelihood, and I will always prefer the hyper-polished and accessible experience of OS X to the modular capabilities and accessibility of the computer’s inner workings of a

Thanks, Shep! I’ve been waiting for the next one of these to get new headphones. Excited for my noise cancelling lightning-connected earbuds to arrive on Monday (I was so sick of my wireless ones dying and my wired ones requiring the stupid lightning port dongle).

Thanks, Shep! I’ve been waiting for the next one of these to get new headphones. Excited for my noise cancelling

Damn, maybe I won’t watch this video then. I like Tim’s videos because of his humor, even if the jokes don’t always land (whose do?).

I hope you posted this in response to the one commenter on Paul’s video who said they feel guilty for not liking A Link to the Past. Looking forward to watching this when I have time!

I’m totally with you, but I don’t feel guilty about it at all. I actually think the gameplay is not very good. The shooting is pretty fun but gets very repetitive, and the amount of murdering people you do as Nathan always felt tonally incongruous with the rest of the game. Also, I never found movement to be very

Yeah, I know they haven’t done much in the realm of action gameplay, and that their one critical and commercial success was a point-and-click style RPG. But it seems like they should have been experienced enough in the industry in general to ascertain during playtesting that the combat system they’ve created would

Wow the combat sounds truly awful. Why would experienced game developers who have released critically acclaimed, successful games, think it would be good for their profit margin and reputation to release a game with combat so broken?

Yep, I’d be excited for anything that makes my online experience more like going to the grocery store with my mother.

Yeah, faux-France is absolutely gorgeous and I loved exploring that map so much. And that is a huge testament to the writing and quests of Hearts of Stone, because despite the beautiful and sizeable new map to explore in Blood & Wine (exploring is my generally my favorite thing to do in a video game), I still felt

I think Hearts of Stone might be my favorite DLC for any game ever.

Oh yeah, I loved Horizon: Zero Dawn. That was the last game I finished before God of War. Totally agree with everything you said about it. And Mass Effect Andromeda compared very unfavorably to it just in the first couple hours, which is a big reason why I wasn’t into it.

Just was able to watch this episode finally. I agree with every word of this review. And I’m heartened looking ahead at the review scores for the succeeding episodes. If they addressed your issues with this episode, then they’ve addressed mine.

Awesome I may try it! I’ve been reading review blurbs on metacritic for the last couple hours now and it sounds intriguing. Like Persona but with old school brawler combat, and about people in organized crime instead of high school. Plus GTA-style mini games. Is that sort of accurate?

I have not, actually! But I’ve thought about it. If I were to do so, would you suggest I start with Zero?  

That was a funny video, but now I have “Think of Me” in my head, so I’m coming away annoyed.

You also deserve a star!

I find it so bizarre that people who are not in the music industry per se but have a lot to say about it, or are tangentially in the business by making a living at being a music critic, always praise Kanye as a producer and musician. Whereas, people in the industry constantly talk about how none of what is great

Fantastic, thanks, I totally missed that. Is it playable throughout the weekend then?

I’ve been trying to get hooked on a AAA game since I finished God of War ten days ago. I tried Mass Effect Andromeda (too bland) and Resident Evil VII (too stressful), but neither of those really hooked me completely. However, I went back to Twilight Princess HD, for which I set up my Wii U Totilo@Airport-style with