Rontanamo Bay

Have there been anouncements regarding when the Mario Tennis demo is actually playable?

Since it does look like a holster, I’d like to think it’s a statement on gun violence. Like, “Japanese men don’t need guns because they understand deep down that all violence committed by males is really just an expression penis envy,” or something along those lines. But it’s probably not that.

For anyone thinking about this, it’s very easy to do and the DirecTV Now service is actually very impressive. I’m sort of considering keeping it.

For anyone thinking about this, it’s very easy to do and the DirecTV Now service is actually very impressive. I’m

That is interesting. I’ll have to read the Howe & Strauss text. I will say though that the Atlantic piece you linked to was published four years ago, and the references I’ve read to Millenials being born between 1980 and 1999 I found all within the last six months. I think it’s reasonable to suggest these things

As I replied earlier, the New York Times and other respected institutional publications have defined millenials as those born between 1980 and 1999.

The people born in 2000 or later are the generation after the millenials. Look it up, I promise you I’m correct.

FWIW, the definition that seems to have taken hold with the world at large is that Millenials were born between 1980 and 1999. I’ve read that in a few different institutional journals, like the New York Times, for example.

Gotcha, thanks. I figured part of it was the writing, as I was really impressed by the story of Horizon. I played a couple hours of Andromeda so far, and while I am intrigued by the premise, the dialogue and the voice acting both seem very stiff. The facial animation tech also looks pretty bad next to H:ZD. Didn’t

Yeah I really like that about the joy cons as well. I used to like using the Wiimote/Nunchuck because you could lay your arms about more casually, but those were still tethered to each other. Playing with the separated joy cons is great for me as long as I’m using the left stick rather than the left face buttons.

I hope there’s a separate writeup on the Switch version! Not just about the performance, but also the experience on playing this game on a handheld console. If I’m going to try to play this game again, it’ll be that version.

This makes me wish they had released an 8-bit Mega Man Amiibo.

Interesting. I actually just turned on Andromeda for the first time yesterday, as I finished God of War a few days ago, and it does seem kind of bland. Could you elaborate a little on why it would disappoint me compared to H:ZD? I did eventually finish that game, and I really liked it a whole lot. TBH though, I

Ahh, too bad, sorry. I was able to find all my old PS1 favorites available on the Playstation Store for Vita, either as PSone Classics or as PSP ports. But I never played all that many PS1 games. I did love playing FFIX on Vita though.

I bet you can download the PSP port onto a Vita if you had one.

As someone else said, it would be nice to be able to turn the feature off temporarily. I’ve been playing DKC2DKQ on my SNES Mini, and I use the rewind feature much too liberally. As Remy said, if you get used to having it there, it’s way too tempting to use it at any time, and it does take some of the challenge away

Postal was a game because postal workers shot up post offices in the mid-90s and created a stereotype about postal workers possessing lots of suppressed rage. It was insensitive, and it had nothing to do with Columbine.

I won’t be playing God of War, because I just finished it about a minute ago. Unless RDR2 is released this year and lives up to its namesake, I’m pretty sure GoW will be my GotY. Definitely one of the greatest action games ever made.

I’m actually curious about that as well.

I don’t know, if the story is told really poorly, and the location is your hometown that has also been shit on by the world in other ways a lot lately, I think that could be a reasonable cause for anger.