Sounds like we’d all be better off just listening to The ArchAndroid. Ms. Monáe knows how to illuminate the important issues, and balance the serious with the playful.
Sounds like we’d all be better off just listening to The ArchAndroid. Ms. Monáe knows how to illuminate the important issues, and balance the serious with the playful.
I thought “Thermapen” said “Theramin” for a second and got really excited.
I thought “Thermapen” said “Theramin” for a second and got really excited.
Hey, Paul! You can be as loud as you want in your NYC apartment until 10pm. As long as you’re not a dick about it, your neighbors really shouldn’t care about you playing musical instruments during awake hours. Besides, Brooklyn has one of the densest populations of aspiring musicians in the country, right? I’m a…
Yeah that’s a good one. I actually enjoyed X more than the original (never played 2), but I can see why people would feel the opposite, or wouldn’t care for either. Some of the writing and voice acting are pretty terrible, and there are an awful lot of overly convoluted systems that aren’t terribly interesting, with…
As I said to someone else just now, both the story and the combat are among the greatest I’ve ever experienced in a game. You should absolutely get this if you like action games and great stories that are small in scale and much more about character relationships than grand plots.
See I would describe both the story and the combat as among the greatest in any video game ever made, so you clearly see the game fundamentally differently from a lot of the game’s most fervent admirers.
To be honest, I actually totally missed Awkward Zombie, because I’m always browsing on my phone and I scrolled past it before it loaded. You’re right, that was pretty funny.
It was pretty bad, but so was everything else this week. Seriously, what the eff was Life in Aggro?
I must say, I love the idea of getting six Switch consoles all linked up to play one game of Steel Batallion.
Yes this is indeed brilliant. My favorite was Lakitu as the 538-reading polling nerd. And fuck, it figures my main is a “Diogenes-style cynic”.
I was a lapsed Final Fantasy fan when I played XV, having loved the franchise in the mid-90s, and last playing IX when it released in 2000. I really enjoyed XV personally. I agree with every word of Jason Schreier’s review.
My comment on the piece was going to be very similar OP’s here: Everyone has their own scheme of parameters on which to base a decision to purchase something, and I think it’s unfair to assume a majority of people looking at the GMG Cost per Hour stat aren’t also considering the inherent value of an experience in…
Ha! As someone who was born in the early 80s but hangs out with mostly people who are about a decade younger than I am, I think a lot about whether or not I am a millenial (the New York Times says I am, but I sure don’t feel like one a lot of the time). This puts me squarely in the millenial camp: I have never…
Why is he DLC? Is the game already out in Japan? Is it paid DLC? Seems like he should have been included in the original release.
“JUST LIKE F-ZERO GX!” LOL Great stuff, Tim. That video was definitely worth at least 21 minutes of my time.
Those are incredible. For a while, I had every Architecture set. All the Frank Lloyd Wrights, the Sears Tower before it was the Willis Tower, and even the elusive Marina Bay Sands. I will definitely have to secure botb of these at some point.
I’d be super psyched for this if the Nintendo Switch weren’t a thing.
If I could use photoshop, I would ‘shop Viewtiful Joe or Skies of Arcadia onto a Switch. Not to be clever, obviously, just to make a point.
This is fascinating stuff. I want to write a song called “Meat Skip’s Failure”.
Obviously several Kotaku staffers if you bothered to read the article.