Rontanamo Bay

Super Mario Run is the best mobile game I’ve ever played, and absolutely worth the initial one-time price of $10. In other words, the opposite of a scam. So what part of that 60% is SMR?

I gotta say, I adore this game, but I disagree with Printz-Påhlson when he says that the game’s story does not suffer from having several branching paths. The side quest stories are fantastic, but they are short. The main story is really not that interesting, because (I believe) it has to have multiple paths

Hence why absurdly expensive proprietary nemory cards are a terrible idea. Capitalism!

So we’re talking movies we love that were also formative experiences, yes? Mine are, in order of formativeness:

Great, cause twitchy action platforming really benefits from touchscreen controls. Or is it really just a pachinko game, as other have alluded to? Fucking Konami.

I really like your ante penultimate paragraph. The lines, “In the real world, alcohol has the power to transform a moment. It makes now feel like a good idea, someplace safe and desirable” are particularly great.

Wow, well I intended my question to be rhetorical, so I do appreciate you attempting to respond! But yeah, that totally makes sense that these things don’t start as you intending to do a long form piece, but rather a coalescing of facts that you’ve gathered from questions you’ve asked. Interesting stuff.

Ah ha, thanks for all that info! Totally get both of your points, neither of which I was aware of.

So how many deep dive studio investigations do you have going on at any given time? I have to imagine you have at least three going on now, and probably far more if you’re working on Blood, Sweat, and Pixels 2.

Yeah I think you’re right. I just get burnt out on big open-world adventures easily if I play them back to back. That’s all I meant, that maybe I should take some time before I dive right into God of War, since I’m currently close to finishing Horizon.

How would changing coin flips make going second less advantageous?

OMG how did this comment thread devolve into a console wars battleground? I honestly had a thought a few weeks ago that maybe we were finally done with console fanboys (I think it was when I was reading about Fortnite vs PUBG fans). I don’t know what I was thinking.

You know, I really think it’s time that good people in this world start owning that they are good, and not apologizing for it. I say this with complete sincerity: You’re signing off with “Some asshole” kind of mutes your point a bit, and I don’t think you should do it. Know that you’re saying reasonable things, and

The guy who doesn’t know how to use commas, and is angry at someone being appalled by victim blaming of minors, wants someone else to stay in reading comprehension class. THAT’S RICH.

You know what mught be a swell thing for you all to do? Maybe somewhere at the beginning or end of your TV reviews, just note where one can view the particular show you happen to be reviewing? I have never heard of this show or seen anything written about it outside of this website. And I’d really like to check it


That’s not how history works. People as a whole don’t get less tolerant and more racist as time goes on, even if we do experience bumps in that road. What you’re experiencing is just that gamer culture is often disturbingly sympathetic to alt-right nationalist and misogynist movements. And so the people you surround

I disagree in a few ways. South Park was always about political nihilism, whereas The Simpsons has, for a long time, claimed to be progressive. Also, South Park has acknowledged its own role in creating a subset of alt-right trolls, and sort of apologized for it ever so slightly (and has never shied away from

Maybe you should stop telling people who are genuinely offended that they shouldn’t be just because you’re not.

You said it better than I did, pal.