I can’t believe this show is still on, but I can believe a show that stopped being funny 20 years ago has writers and producers this out of touch with the current cultural climate of America.
I can’t believe this show is still on, but I can believe a show that stopped being funny 20 years ago has writers and producers this out of touch with the current cultural climate of America.
I didn’t realize God of War was coming so soon, that’s great!
Awkward Zombie was the only one that grabbed me this week. That is definitely real though. Especially in higher elevation areas in Carja, where there are ledges that look like they’ve been painted white but you still can’t grab onto them. As Arnheim said, BotW spoils HZD a little if you play it first. HZD is still…
Lots of great entries this week, and I totally agree with the choice of winner! The ‘Shop Contest is experiencing a real renaissance with The Kunze as weekend editor.
No one will ever convince me that Super Mario 3D Land is not vastly improved with the 3D effect. It is just far easier to judge your jumps with the 3D on, and the New 3DS does 3D spectacularly well. Super Mario 3D Land in 3D is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. And it makes other games more immersive as…
No one will ever convince me that Super Mario 3D Land is not vastly improved with the 3D effect. It is just far…
I don’t know about that. He made that statement before mentioning this particular sale, so it was definitely not about how cheap the 2DS is right now. And he linked to a review that doesn’t necessarily explain why the New 2DS is a better value than the New 3DS.
I don’t know about that. He made that statement before mentioning this particular sale, so it was definitely not…
I don’t understand, why is the New 2DS XL “probably the one you should get” among the 3DS console family? It doesn’t have 3D. And the 3D works so much better on the New 3DS than it did on the original 3DS. And if you don’t like 3D on a certain game, turn it off. It makes no sense to me to get a 2DS, unless you are…
I don’t understand, why is the New 2DS XL “probably the one you should get” among the 3DS console family? It…
Yeah, Horizon looks truly incredible on the OG PS4.
Bah that’s far away. I was just talking with someone else about how every game coming out before Autumn that I want is a Switch port, which individually are exciting, but, taken as a whole, is a little disappointing. I was hoping to be playing this game over the Summer.
I appreciate you saying all that, thank you very much. I am 36, so I’m at a point where even though it is still difficult, I’ve been used to managing it for quite a while. But I’ll keep in mind if I really need some assistance, and I appreciate the offer.
You know, after watching the video my reaction was, “man I wish commentators were better at explaining what the hell is going on”. But after reading this, I realize they couldn’t possibly have explained it properly by the time they realized what the player was doing.
Wow, I was ready to read this whole review, but I haven’t read a sentence I’ve disagreed with more in a review than “but [John Legend] more than delivered” in any review in a while. As someone who has cast many musicals, including this one, I can assure you John Legend’s acting was awful. Sure Jesus is farily…
I never played Unity, as III really turned me off to the whole endeavor. But I really hated III, partly because I let myself get super hyped for it before it was released.
I think it might be better just to let Assassin’s Creed III slip quietly into obscurity.
Well you’re very welcome, and I appreciate you saying that. Full disclosure I’ve respected your comments since I was in the greys, though I’ve not always agreed, but it was important to me that you saw my full perspective. I usually am not that forthcoming.
I must say I haven’t read very much about the developers unionizing issue, but Ms. MacLean’s statement sounds like a giant cop-out to me. First off, using Curt Schilling’s behavior as a universal example of how developers will behave seems misguided, to say the least. Secondly, just because a developer will tend to…
The first part of your comment I agree with.
Sometimes the most obvious choice (Subway’s numerous uses in Community) is also the best choice.
I didn’t know that actually, thank you for telling me. That makes this make more sense to me. I actually wasn’t familiar with the man until this latest NieR game.
Well you have no idea what you are talking about regarding the amount of empathy I feel (hint: it’s way too much), so fuck off first of all. Secondly, I only made the comment because in the interview, Taro says he is concerned about disillusioning his fans, so therefore he wears a mask. Well he surely disillusioned…