Rontanamo Bay

You know what’s more off-putting than seeing the face of a favorite game designer? Learning they are just another sad, self-loathing nerd. I don’t quite get why Taro-san is comfortable talking openly about how much he dislikes himself if he doesn’t want gamers to get disillusioned about him.

I completely agree with your comment 100%. Best game narrative since The Last of Us, and the most inventive narrative in a game I’ve ever encountered. I still feel Breath of the Wild is a better game, though.

Right! That doesn’t have a release date yet, yes? The R&C games are super fun, so I will absolutely pick that up when it releases if the reviews are good. Thanks for reminding me.

It’s been a pretty weak year so far, particularly compared to last year at this time. I continue to be thankful for that, since I can work on my backlog and save some money. But I am starting to crave a new release. I think the next thing I pick up will be one of the Switch ports coming, like South Park, Dark

Nerf NOW! is the clear winner this week. I also enjoyed the line, “Jeff Goldblum goes where the wind takes him”.

Just finished Bayonetta 2 on the snow day this week, and I’m so ready for Bayonetta 3!!! But we’re talking about this weekend...I have twelve hours of rehearsal tomorrow, so I probably won’t play anything, but I’m sure I’ll get in some Horizon: Zero Dawn and Final Fantasy V on Sunday. If I feel like something else,

You’re trolling by saying games that don’t have replay value cannot be great by definition. That is a fucking dumb statement, and I’ve proved that by offering two additional counter examples, Inside and Limbo, which you cannot dispute. It’s probably always going to be a dumb statement to say any game created ever

Yeah those lunchtime Wall Crawler races were intense. That’s where I learned what Over/Under meant.

I didn’t say anything. I call them kneepits, too.

I know I said I wasn’t going to read your reply, but I noticed the beginning of it in my notifications and I confess I was curious how my complete destroying of your argument could have made you laugh.

We had one of those. I bet my brother still has it. As someone else said, it wasn’t great for anything other than shooters. But it was great for shooters. Not just scrolling SHMUPs, but things like Contra as well. And it did indeed suck for platformers, which is mostly what I played on the NES.

“Dislike of surface level traits” is complete nonsense. I said the comic was trite, which is partially a criticism of it being shallow, meaning in my opinion, there is nothing other than surface level traits. That was my whole point. Stop trying to talk around my arguments and making up your own bullshit standards

I gotta be honest, I couldn’t follow your first sentence, so it’s hard to respond to. All I’ll say is I never said my arguments were not subjective. Obviously they are subjective, but they are also substantive, which is the opposite of shallow. It is a legitmate critique to say something is saccharine. You may not

I didn’t scroll past it because I thought it was going to be funny. That was the whole point of my analogy. And what I said was not shallow, and was not “trashing on a creator” at all. The sentiment is trite (“family are my closest friends”. Great...), and the writing is saccharine. Those are substantive

This week’s Corpse Run is my favorite comic I’ve ever read here. Funny, real, accessible, and original. That always stresses me out when I’m naming characters. Double XP was great too!

Everytime MS tries to think “beyond the console” in its Xbox business, it never goes well. That was the entire thinking behind all the moves that made Xbone a laughingstock when it was first announced. I’m glad Sony and MS are direct competitors of one another in the console space; that is certainly good for the

My Spring Break is coming to an end far too quickly, so I’m going to get as much Horizon: zero Dawn and Bayonetta 2 in as possibly today and tomorrow.

Anyone aware of performance differences between the PS4 and Xbone versions? This would be the first time during this generation I have the choice of console to play a game on.

Anyone aware of performance differences between the PS4 and Xbone versions? This would be the first time during

Sorry, I love the Gamecube, and it pains me to see one mangled like this, but this is seriously the most awesome video game-related DIY project I’ve ever seen. A brilliant idea that is brilliantly executed, and it makes me very sad that I’m not at all crafty.

My plan as well! Mine is supposed to arrive today, too, though I’ve already received the other package from Amazon that I was supposed to get today, so I may have to delay the start of Project Lazy Turd until tomorrow.