Rontanamo Bay

First off, Captain Toad was $40 at launch, it was never $60, so get your facts straight before you embark on an asinine argument. Secondly, games don’t have to have replay value to be great. That is a fact. Captain Toad, for example, doesn’t have great replay value, and yet it is a great game. The critics agree on

The biggest disappoint with the Switch for me so far has been how difficult Mario Kart is to play in handheld mode, both because of the weight of the Switch, and because of the diminutive form factor of the Joy Cons. I’ve been contemplating a stand for a while just for Mario Kart. However, I did just order that

I think I’ve said this before, probably in this very thread, but I feel strongly that Oracle of Seasons is a noticeably superior game than Oracle of Ages, and it bugs me that they are treated as a single entry. And that that entry is placed above Wind Waker (that part feels a little like trolling, but at this point,

No, not even a little bit. It’s a puzzle game, with speicifically designed, static puzzles. It’s incredibly fun the first time you play it, but if you play through a second time, you’re just solving puzzles you already figured out. Unlike games like Zelda or Pikmin, which have puzzles but also action and

Oh, I adored the game, and beating it was probably my proudest accomplishment in close to thirty years of gaming (30 years this August in fact). But I dove straight into New Game+ after finishing it, and I stalled out on that right around when the DLC came out. I did purchase the DLC, but I was just exhausted with

Good timing. I’m sort of on Spring Break this week, and I’ve barely touched the DLC. Thanks, The Kunze!

I totally disagree.

There are a few small details that are wrong with this piece. For one, the learning curve that exists for reading music is not necessarily that large for everyone. I am an extremely skilled sight-reader (I do it professionally), and I have always been slow AF at reading words. I might not read notes faster than

Yeah but requiring its use means a game can’t be played when the Switch is docked, which sort of defeats the purpose of it being called “Switch”.

Oh yeah, I vaguely remember that. There’s no reason they can’t map that to buttons though. Or motion control. Could be great with the HD rumble if they put a little thought into it.   

Not bad. I’m bummed Captain Toad is a port and not a sequel. I loved that game so much, but it’s not great to replay, cause you’d just be figuring out puzzles that you already figured out once. Maybe it’ll be worth it for the new levels.

I gotta be honest: I played and loved Captain Toad, and I have no idea to what you are referring. I’m pretty sure one was able to play that whole game on the TV (i.e. without a touchscreen) if one wanted to.

The Gamecube controller was my favorite controller of all time before the Switch Pro Controller happened. It always fit very comfortably in my slightly-below average-sized hands. If there were a wireless Gamecube controller with the form factor of the wired controller instead of the chunky Wavebird (still great), it

I’m confused. Lifehacker just told me to stop giving money to Amazon. Thankfully I already played the hell out of this game. If you are not following Lifehacker’s advice, definitely pick this game up if you haven’t already! Or, find it for more money somewhere else, because it would still be worth it!

I’m confused. Lifehacker just told me to stop giving money to Amazon. Thankfully I already played the hell out of

Hi, Cameron! Should we call you Cam? Or maybe The Kunze?

I wasn’t talking about you. I’m saying I’m pretty sure OP was playing a part.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “username-comment synergy”?

Curious why there’s no mention of the pending litigation against the creative team and producers of Shape of Water. It seems very hard to believe, given the premise of the allegedly plagiarised play and the notoriety of its author, that there was no knowledge of that story when Del Toro and co. conceived their movie.

Yeah, that’s gonna bug me. I hope they patch that. I want all my two friends to know I played at least 80 hours of Breath of the Wild more than they did. 215 hours and counting, baby!

Threes got me at six” is one of my new favorite Totilo lines.