Ah, whoops. That’s good. The Wizard always seemed like a good guy, and I didn’t want to hang around that Witch anyway.
Ah, whoops. That’s good. The Wizard always seemed like a good guy, and I didn’t want to hang around that Witch anyway.
I didn’t know you could have the Wizard turn your kids into doves. That is super creepy. I don’t think I’m going to hang around that Wizard anymore.
Oh hell yeah
Oh hell yeah
Sure, of course. And as I said, I don’t think we’re doing well, on this and many other issues. But if I had gotten an F in Developmental Psychopathology second semester junior year instead of a C-, I would have been screwwwwwwwwwed.
I agree he has personality - for a silent protagonist; and I do like him, as well. But, he could have more personality if he spoke, and that would be my personal preference. One’s not better than the other though. Both games have very emotionally satisfying stories.
If his last word on the matter was, “Do fans want to see the older version that is not as refined?”, I don’t think he got the message. I hope you made it clear to him that, putting aside the actual graphical glitches, we on the other side of the planet think the newer look is tacky and ugly, not “refined”.
I just beat Lavos for the first time in over 20 years just two days ago. Bizarre. I realized during this most recent playthrough that I always preferred FFVI mainly because Crono is silent, and I prefer RPGs where all the characters have agency and opinions. However, I now must admit that Chrono Trigger is the…
Sorry, this is a very learned, well-written response, but I can’t get past the very first sentence. Four years in prison is a hell of a lot stronger punishment than a $1,900 fine. Maybe if the average sentence for a sex offender is under six months, then I’d say we’re “barely better”, but I don’t believe that is the…
So fucking excited for this album. This track is fantastic, but “Django Jane” is even more exciting, if less accessible.
This has nothing to do with the law or censorship and everything to do with capitalism. The books aren’t being pulled because of some law or government censorship, they’re being pulled because the publisher doesn’t want the bad press and have their sales hurt. This here is not, in any way, shape, or form, a free…
I usually am very impressed with your nuanced responses to questions that usually seem to me to either have no easy answer or a very clear answer. However, I think your response to Letter #2 is both insufficient, and in one very minor, specific case, incorrect.
I loved Gwent in the main game, and had an amazing W-L record of at least fifty wins and only two losses. Does that mean I will like and be good at this version of Gwent?
This is best #Content
I don’t know what everyone else is taking issue with in your comments, particularly since they are disagreeing with you without saying why or pointing to specifics. I totally agree with everything you said. Especially the very top - I’m not sure why I still read these, either.
Why? Those were all very legit critiques OP made. What the hell did you think you were getting into after the first two sentences? It would have been exceedingly easy to stop reading right there. It seems obvious you read the entire comment knowing that you would get annoyed at it, regardless of the fact that it…
I love how prominently featured @Anti’s tweet is, given how spectacularly inaccurate it is in describing this particular group of tweets.
“[An assault rifle] also can’t kill any faster than any other gun. It still fires one bullet at a time for each pull of the trigger” LOL wtf
You’re arguing a different point. I don’t know what news outlets you are referring to, but no, I suppose I wouldn’t trust a news source that constantly gives out wrong information about firearm technology. I know, however, that an organization like CNN, who everyone on all sides of the political spectrum love to…
No I haven’t, not even a little bit, because I didn’t profess to be on one side or other of the issue. Not only that, but every anti-gun member of Congress, or gun control lobbyist, who speaks openly about the issue is always very fluent in the technology, so I don’t even think Ryan Smith’s premise is valid. People…