I love this comment. And to your last point. Camaro buyers are mostly in it for da rims and Transformers dog. They don't give a shit if it has a v6 and an auto.
I love this comment. And to your last point. Camaro buyers are mostly in it for da rims and Transformers dog. They don't give a shit if it has a v6 and an auto.
Things I'm tired of
Most powerful form of induction. Doesn't work for a few days out of every month though. Maintenance flush out service required
Great show. It's on Netflix now if you wanna check it out. All the way up to season 7. Who pooped the bed is comedic gold
Dear god.
Don't touch me you filthy burner
I like BMW, but that's not why I'm annoyed. Every time a new car debuts, Jalopnik has a bitch fit over how it looks like (Blank) existing car.
Striking resemblance? Really? Alright it pains me to get down on my favorite website and place to mingle virtually, but enough is enough.
No, The VR6 is my favorite engine
Sounded like a VR6
I actually really like the platypus nose. Its not pretty from certain angles, but from others it looks really good. And above all else, it's unique. I look at it as an affectionate comparison rather than a negative one. Godspeed Bruce Platypus!
I thought it was a terrible advertisement. Jeep knows this country loves patriotism and playing the soldier card is a shameless way to shoehorn in your products.
That was beautiful. This is why I love racing. So many people are unaware of the passion and immense dedication it takes from people.
Wow that looks terrible, like someone did it in their garage with fiberglass and OEM corvette parts. Looks good as a one off, but terrible as production.
It's in Forza 4 and Forza Horizon.
Peel P50.
I will keep posting this until it gets the credit it deserves
It always amazes me how great WRX's are. 0-60 in 5 seconds for a car thats only 25k is simply astounding.
I miss you Roy Wert