Bitch Pillars
Bitch Pillars
I love women as much as the next guy with massive testosterone levels and a perfectly chiseled jaw with a rugged disposition. ...but cars and girls? Seriously? I never get it. At auto shows I'm just thinking "goddammit move lady". Even the harder stuff, all I can think of is, "aaaww seriously lady? your bare ass is…
Wow, Me Gusta. I love the rear and the taillights are so much better than the previous gens round ones as a design evolution. I still don't like the interior but its leaps and bounds ahead of previous gen's. If theres a few things I'd change, I'd paint the roof the body color. I'd blend the side vents into the body…
You're a negative person aren't you? Have fun with that mate. Go dissect one of my other comments sometime.
Good point there
What I don't understand is why is some styles of modding looked highly upon while others are not? Theres the argument that mods to help performance are better but why? The car isn't something just for performance. Its so much more than that. Its a personal expression to those around you to some, (including me)
How can you hate someone for modding their cars? You need to step back and look at the big picture and realize that they love what they're doing and you're just the sad old man on the corner telling them to stop making noise and keep away from the lawn.
A dog is a living being, with its on life and its conscience awareness. A car is something someone buys for themselves. If the person bought it, who am I to say that they shouldn't stance for stance sake? I find it silly when people say its wrong or not right. Seriously? Its their possession. They can do whatever they…
I think people hate the Stance crowd much more than the Donk crowd. I really don't understand it though. I personally love a good stance on a car, and a bumper mere centimeters off the pavement, but thats MY taste. Doesn't have to be yours. A common complaint I hear from those butthurt over lowered cars is that its…
The best way to mod is in moderation as I've found out. Especially with a DD. I just lowered my Volkswagen GTI 1.8T with new shocks/struts and springs. But only by about 1.5 inches. The forum diehards will tear me apart for not being low enough, but for what I wanted, its perfect, now the car sits nicely on the 16…
Just PETA being morons again. What a joke of an organization
Noooo! The new M5 is delicious. ANd so is this new Merc. For shame VS
I love me some 190E
I would love to hear the worlds greatest super cars and their plumbing outside my window every night and day. But hey that's just me. They would lul me to sleep. The sweet sound of straight pipes and burbles from tailpipes
Silly "Back in the day" arguments. I still like drivers today such as Hamilton and Alonso and Vettel. I love F1 racing though. So even without drivers banging flight attendants and acting like supreme assholes, I still see the people behind the sponsorships. I still see glimpses of the men in races and in the way they…
Lots of crybaby's out there. This list is hard to organize because on a website full of car enthusiasts and diverse tastes, every car company should be on this list. Everyone hates every other car company and everyone loves the one you hate. Different strokes for different folks as always.
GTI's are fun, nimble, practical and in my opinion, great looking cars. Good to meet a fellow dubber