
Then you haven’t been paying attention for the last eight seasons. There’s nothing misogynistic about bitches being no more, but also no less crazy than bastards.

Ayra and the Hound weren’t expecting the Red Keep to be falling under dragon fire. She’d hoped to kill Cersei, ring the bells, and avoid that. Given that Cersei was very much doomed, there was no reason for Ayra to throw her own life away on it.

Can’t we all just pretend they didn’t happen?

The part you’re missing is that you’re just wrong about the book. Yes, Heinlein was smart; many terrible people are, but he was not examining fascism and the militarization of society, he was quite unapologetically advocating for it. If you read his personal letters, you’ll see that he very much believed society

If you read Heinlein’s personal writings you’ll find that he very much did condone it.

You are quite unfamiliar with Heinlein if you think the book was satire. It’s quite reflective of his beliefs.

That Heinlein would have hated is the entire point; he became an unapologetic fascist.

Anchor isn’t a craft brewery anymore, as they aren’t independent. It’s pretty normal for macrobrewers like them to be unionized.

It would be fine if Netflix lowered its price to account for the fact that you now have to pay for another service for the same thing.

You still have to put food on the table while that's going on, though, and besides, there's no obligation to listen to him or give him any opportunity to make amends.

How do you even do that? People kind of have to work regardless, anyway.

A girl horse.

It depends on what you were after. If you just raced through the whole game just to get to the end, sure, maybe. Some of us enjoyed the journey and had plenty to do that wasn’t raiding.

Also true of those B shows what’s her name was in.

And she never had to touch Carrot Top’s props again.

Uh, Saturday Night Live?

I just want to use a simple FM transmitter without having to screw around with my phone.

I’m quite happy to not watch it. I’ve never seen an episode. It’s not that I dislike it, but rather than I dislike it existing at all.