
That’s really stupid.  If I were on a rescue team I’d sure avoid some idiot waving an AR-15.

She was in such a hurry to get back to her salon, what’s her ass doing in Michigan where it’s not needed?  How much did she get from the Go Fund Me account and how much did she get in a small business loan?  I guess her new job is messing up other peoples’ states.

Two of the counties in Mississippi where the virus is spreading nicely, Sunflower and Humphreys, are in the Delta and are majority black. Of course, the majority of people working in nursing homes are black. It’s nice that the governor wants to keep them informed. His explanation is so stupid. I work in the legal

Glad so many players are stepping up.  Now the richer owners need to do the same.  Stephen Curry and his wife are feeding children in Oakland who won’t get to eat at school.

Black voters understand better than anyone that we need to stop the Trump regime and at the time, voting for Biden was the best way to do it. Biden will appoint competent people to work with him, and they will have their hands full cleaning up Trump’s mess. Also, he’s approachable. Bernie has ideals but no ideas.

He was/is not ready to be president.

We have always been and continue to be free to practice our religion and pray. As long as there are math tests, there will be prayer in schools. Reread the sections on the manner of prayer that Jesus endorsed, but you, pray in secret, and your father who hears in secret, will reward you openly. (paraphrased, but

He really doesn’t have a mind from which to speak.  What did he accomplish?  When was the last time he read his bible?  How much overt racism did he overlook to endorse this man?  Has he listened to the other black supporters and missed how stupid they sounded?

This is the best comprehensive advice.  How did he get to be a professor at Fordham?  Professor of what??

I agree with this.  She is not getting the publicity she should and is being held to a higher standard than anyone else.  

Also, we know there’s going to be some dirty stuff going on in this election.  I believe there are moves, not necessarily just by white Democrats, to prop up candidates that have issues so people lose interest, don’t vote, and idiot gets re-elected.

Thanks for this article.  I noticed when somebody mentioned something along these same lines on twitter, I was surprised at how many people agreed.  I think we’re missing something if we ignore Elizabeth Warren.


Most head on pictures show the contrast between the space around his eyes and the rest of his face. Photo shopped nothing!  He looks strange and ugly in any light.

I’m glad they put ‘it’ in writing. We knew it already, but now when Trump talks about how he’s for Christianity, we know that it’s only for white Christians who are that in name only.

That’s how it is.

A cop is supposed to be trained. The man running from the cop obviously isn’t though those who don’t run get killed too. However, the original crime, car theft, did not warrant deadly force. He was running from the cops, so they can’t say they were in danger. Contrast that treatment with that of Dylan Roof who was

And we’re lucky motherfuckers to have your writing. But you are smart.

And every lawyer who saw this said they would have advised their client not to sign this waiver.

I am glad you wrote this. This is the most complete breakdown of what happened. Of course, we knew this was all bullshit, but this is the complete history.