M. Kemper Brown

My biggest problem with all of these shows has been pacing, and it seems like such unnecessary problem to have. Why did they all have to be 13 episodes? You'd think that being on Netflix would free them of such arbitrary constraints. If your story takes 7 episodes to tell (or 16, or whatever), do that!

I'm from St. Louis and a friend of mine manages a restaurant that was featured on DDD several years ago. The influx of business they got helped keep the doors open during some lean times.

I completely understand and fundamentally agree with what you are saying…

How about in dog years?

That movie was so bad, I fired MY agent!

In his defense, they had been out there for, like, 40 minutes.

i moved to Cincinnati a year ago for work. It's a pretty cool city. I literally knew no one who lived there. I travel a bunch and am only there on the weekends, but I've made some friends and there is always something going on when I'm home.

re: "That's not her"


re: Euron's "1000" Ships

You would know, I guess.


Correction: Every third property is a Strip Club.

The comment I wrote in my mind the moment I read that sentence was nearly word-for-word of the one you wrote.

"Say hello to Optimus for me…"

Everyone knows that the Truth has always had an anti-Trump bias.

"It’s also exactly the kind of expansive, grungy low-fantasy universe…"


The Red Wedding is a bummer of a place to end your re-read.

On the first read I missed some key capitalizations and thought you were being cocky.