
“In addition to reports of “knife fight”-like internal discord...”

THANK YOU. I’m so fucking sick of these people in their shitty towns thinking they’re owed something because they refuse to fucking adapt. Guess what, ignorant a-holes? Having barely scraped your way through high school and lacking any sort of intellectual curiosity does not mean you’re owed a job.  

Anybody with that relative or friend with a terrible habit or way of “relating”—the controlling one, the guilt-tripper, the whatever, can tell you that nine times out of ten, said behavior lasts exactly as long as others tolerate it.


What has been more lasting in my mind is not all of the different segments of this country that were so efficiently told to fuck off (which I mean was just superb in its shittiness), its the immediate spin of it all - this revisionist history for something that just concluded 3 days ago, something that at no point

Thank you.

Yep. These fuckers need to learn that actions have consequences.

“ask Clinton herself why she never stepped fucking foot in Wisconsin this whole time.”

Yeah, but what knows if she can last 4 to 8 more years . . .

Exactly! I am so pissed at Comey for releasing that letter 11 days before the election, not because I think Hillary might lose, but because he screwed over down ticket races by depressing enthusiasm/turn out for democrats and spurring on enthusiasm/turn out for republicans.

I am part of the solution by not expecting people (especially women) to be perfect at all times. I am part of the solution by giving people the benefit of the doubt that they are willing to grow if we don’t attack them and tear them down because, god forbid, they didn’t read articles after liking a song. WE ARE

Let’s do a little story problem:

My guess is either the marriage was an attempt to fix problems in the relationship, or that they had second thoughts way in advance of the wedding but went through with it anyway, and then realized they should have just cancelled the wedding and lost the deposit in the first place.

First off, and I can’t stress this enough, fuck Feign and Edens and Lasry so goddamn hard. These fuckers probably sit around extolling the virtues of bootstraps and work ethic while simultaneously swiping $400M ($250M principle+$150M interest) from taxpayers without a single vote being cast. The Lasry and Edens story

Yep, they’re terrifying the shit out of me too. . . . .It’s like 2000 all over again with the false equivalencies (though worse). I’m starting to think you had to be around voting age in 2000 to get that just 4 years of a truly bad president is enough to really fuck over the country and the world. I was 16 then, and

The same can go for the thing actually being protested. Those kind of concern trolls don’t care about “black on black crime”; they just use it as a straw man to an actual problem that results in black people being distrustful of the police force, which in a larger sense comes to stand for a society that they feel has

That’s the thing though. They don’t actually care about the troops or soldiers. For them, it’s a symbol. You either stand and show respect, put a flag pin on your shirt, or you don’t support the military. Then the discussion becomes grander and only theoretical - are you a patriot or not. The discussion is framed in

Come on, dude. He said “a smart understanding of what rape is becoming and what we’re now understanding about it.” He’s making exactly the point you say he should be making. Jesus, why does this conversation always devolve into policing people for not phrasing things in exactly the way people like you approve of?

I am SO DONE with Amy Schumer. I’ve given this lady enough chances. She no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt. She’s constantly equivocating over issues like this. Take a fucking stand, Amy, or else step off the damn podium.