
You're not alone. Let me tell you about a place called St. Louis...

Meh, Megyn sold out when it came to Trump. Her voice means nothing when it comes to him. She was disrespected, then sat down and fawned over him. She, and the people on her side, have no scruples.

Well, the first answer is unions. Police unions are some of the most powerful in the nation and as such, are going to rally behind their members regardless of the situation. I think there’s an honest debate about whether that’s a good thing or bad. Personally, I feel that sort of protection has to end once something

No way, fuck this guy he throws kids out of the way for his weird little obsession and then gets pissy when people bump into him

The hell bro? It's a wonderful city. After all it's name comes from "Mill -e wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land"

Is it just me or are headlines on deadspin becoming increasingly impossible to understand? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

Patrick Redford wrote it?

Did those officials run on a platform endorsing a taxpayer subsidised arena? I highly doubt it. Being able to vote those politicians out afterwards won’t repair the damage already done.

True, but by then the damage is already done. How many politicians get elected by saying the right things, then once in office it’s business as usual...

“I don’t know why anyone would think this is surprising or news,” Nenshi Walker, Abele and Barrett said today. “This is the man’s job. This is what he does. Perhaps in other cities that he has come to, the city councils have just written cheques based on back-of-the-napkin proposals without any consultation to the

When having your preventive care appointment, be sure to only discuss preventive care issues and what’s specifically covered. Unscrupulous doctors will use even the most innocent or benign question that in any way touches on treatment to open the door to bill for a second office visit that’s coded non-preventive, and

Why is this not the top comment? Oh right because it’s Jezebel and laughing at other’s ignorance is the most important thing.

Not.quite. There’s fire behind that smoke, but not of the kind you think there is. Office scuttlebutt is off (though not by too far) here.

That's from the umpires manual, not the rulebook itself.

On the heels of the story about Playboy dropping nudes, this is extra hilarious.

I’m a good tipper, but I’d be steamed if a server was presumptuous enough to add his own tip and then lie about it. It was likely a reaction to the waiter’s 1) presumption and 2) lie that he expected the servee to accept without question.

This is my assumptions

Oh, Bill Maher. He can always be counted on for blatant Islamophobia.