
Are you being purposeful obtuse here or just dishonest? Did you read the underlying article that this right-wing source pulled the quotes from?

Not to mention, the second penalty didn’t cost Detroit the game. The packers still had a chip shot field goal attempt from inside the 20. The lions would have been losing with less than 1 minute to play and no timeouts. A win there is far from guaranteed, and probably not even likely even without the penalty.

This is correct, the flower is patti labelle. The diploma in the clue was from Temple, where she is from and where she received an honorary degree in 2010. 

It wasn’t a late it, it was flagged as “unnecessary roughness.”  Given that the receiver had a knee on the ground and a second defender in the process of touching him down, a full tackle to the head wasn’t necessary and was over the top physically. Hence, the flag. 

My god thank you for your original post. The reading comprehension and critical thinking in these comments is astonishingly terrible. 

This article and comments with it are truly astonishing. Everything she suggested in that quote are planks of the Democratic Party and even the most liberal presidential candidates. Fixing the immigration system - Castro’s campaign is based on that. Curbing opioid addiction, improving our failing infrastructure

So what exactly is the solution?It’s not fair to those playing by the rules to have completely open borders (usually liberals don’t like it when one group of people play by a different set of rules). This article and some of the commentators seem to take the rather simplistic position that deportation = bad, end of

People convicted of felonies still have families, and these families face the consequences of a deportation through no fault of their own.”

I really can’t believe we’re still litigating the 2016 election. Yes, Clinton won the popular vote, but people didn’t vote for her in the state’s that mattered - and I feel like that implication clear in that statement. If we can’t understand what it actually takes to win the election, we’re doomed for 2020. It

Oh good. So how’d that turn out for her? Should we also make the 2020 goal winning the popular vote again? Or, perhaps, knowing how the president is elected, get more people to vote in the states where the balance can be tipped - as I suspect was Teddy’s meaning. It doesn’t matter if you win the popular vote by 100

This clearly aged well. What’s the deadspin time record for an article being proven completely wrong?

Hello none of Obama’s judicial nominees. If Reid changed the rules, do you honestly think that the power craven McConnell would not have - especially with all those Obama era seats open to completely change the judiciary (not just partially)?

Do you honestly believe that after having most of the judges Trump nominated rejected because of the filibuster rule that McConnell wouldn’t have changed the rule himself? You can’t be that naive. Now imagine if Reid didn’t change the rule, all those seats for federal judges would still be open for Trump to fill. So

I also read a lot of reviews, not just about this movie, that complain of ‘pacing’ issues - but not a single reviewer defines what that means or what the specific problem was. I feel like pacing is just the default when you have nothing better to say - like electibility for politicians - it’s an empty statement.

Ugh, they’re team announcers and should know better. Dallas picked before Milwaukee and were always going to get Dirk. The trade was completed before Milwaukee picked and if there was not trade and was done because they saw an opportunity to move down and get additional assets. Dallas was always going to draft Dirk!

Sadly, the legislature has already stated their intent to pass legislation to limit the powers of the governor and to not work with Evers at all. And it seems most republicans support this as payback for the recall election. Wisconsin needs to un-gerrymander its state districts before anything positive can happen in

When this story first broke, individuals from the police union said the Mayor interfered personally to have the charges dropped as a favor to the liberal leaning bucks owners.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this.

I’m afraid to read the comments on jsonline or fox6 news article - the comments in the past of black youths at Mayfair were bad enought to begin with. Not to mention the mall policies specifically designed to discourage blacks from visiting the mall.

Unless you shot an unarmed black man.