
Don’t pin you right hopes on Johnson. He’s just grandstanding for attention. He’s been a yes vote this entire time, he just thinks he’s being clever. What he doesn’t know - he’s dumb as rocks.

100% with you. I live in a condo, so for the time being we have a fake tree, but my wife is counting the days until we have a house so she can get a real tree. I’m firmly in the fake tree camp (less work, less expense). She can have a real tree, but she must also be responsible for it. I hope her childhood nostalgia

With the rate at which republicans are going against trump and bannon increasing and the increased noise on Russia, republicans are going to start moving for impeachment the moment he signs the tax bill. Killing Obamacare and tax “reform” are the only legislative goals for the GOP - everything else, while evil, is

That would have been the best experience I could have gained on the internship. Most days were spent reading the news or visiting her ex husband at an assisted living home.

Apple news has it for free.

First year of law school, I interned for a small family attorney (later found out she was 1 year out of law school, but that’s another story). On the first day of the internship, she said she spilled her Starbucks on the back seat of her car. She never cleaned it. By the end of internship, the spoiled milk smell in

Every time I get a survey from Marcus about my experience, I request that they switch to coke products!

Living in Wisconsin, we’re surrounded by Marcus theater and I absolutely love what they did to their theaters. Pretty much all theaters are reserve seating, and more importantly, they installed “dreamer lounger” seats, which are basically large leather power recliners (like you have), and some have seat heaters.

Ron Johnson is 100% voting for the tax reform. He pulled thisnsame stunt on health care and tried to hold it up, before meekly voting for it.

Corruption in this country is just less transparent than in 3rd world countries and at a much higher level. Instead of some beat cop getting a kickback, it’s politicians getting money filtered through multiple organizations so that it appears on the level. Which is mich worse.

His district is the entire state, and very recently a republican held Franken’s seat - norm Coleman. In their initial 2008 election, he only won by a two hundred votes. It’s not beyond the pale that a republican can take back that seat.

Oh we’d know by now if it was a Muslim, plus there’d already be a new travel ban on the table.

I had a similar feeling after watching season 2, and the aftermath of the big twist. But I just rewatched the season last week, and knowing the twist ahead of time, and exactly how it played out, substantially improved season 2 for me. Even though I knew the story, I was captivated and mesmerized by the show in a way

“Roy Moore, a theocratic lunatic who is polling even with Democratic opponent Doug Jones”

If 2013 didn’t expose what frauds thompson and McCarthy are, nothing will.

“This is the exact conversation that was had when Rodgers was on the bench behind Favre.”

He shouldn’t be too upset with the brewers - he won something like $15k in the 50/50 charity raffle a couple months ago.

Not in Wisconsin! The most recent budget passed by republicans goes to great lengths to limit Milwaukee and its ability to self govern. Local government only knows what is best when run by republicans. Otherwise, big brother needs to are in for the good of the people.

London maybe - definitely not Mexico City. The exchange rate kills that deal. It’s the same reason the NBA and MLB limited their markets - owners were complaining about foreign exchange losses.

That’s a deep cut autocorrect error shoutout. Perhaps that’s why I never found out the secret to efficient breathing *during* sprints...