Showcasing the problem with the lack of nesting, from the original AV Club discussion two weeks ago, posted by Dad.
Showcasing the problem with the lack of nesting, from the original AV Club discussion two weeks ago, posted by Dad.
Great find with the tv reviews (to recap, since there’s no nesting) - were you able to find on the mobile site (e.g. iPhone)? I guess I can just bookmark it or scroll until I find a review to click to it, since I rarely use a desktop. I just don’t understand why they’d make accessing the content as difficult as…
I know av club had no choice. Living in Milwaukee and going to school at uw-Madison, I grew up reading the printed onion and av club weekly, so this is a sad day. I love their more esoteric content going in depth on unique topics, now it’s going to be a crap shoot finding this content - with the news wire clogging the…
I can’t wait to read the next GOT review, which typically has thousands of comments and try to decipher who is commenting to whom, or download some additional plugin. Which, by the way, if someone in the last 3 weeks was able to develop a rudimentary way to nest comments, why can’t the paid developers and owners of…
How the hell do I search for specific show/movie reviews? Do I just have to scroll endlessly until I get to season 3, episode 2 of fringe from years ago?
I agree with. I think arya is testing sansa’s loyalty and ability to stand up for the starks when under duress or fear (i.e. evolved from season 1 when she lied to protect Joffrey against the pig farm boy). Once satisfied, arya is going to kill lifftlefinger and take his face to control the knights of the vale to…
Absolutely correct. This was a conplete work - a rather transparent an attempt to show he and the administration don’t really like the at-right. He’s a journalist, he knows that the game, and just witness Mooch screw it up. ‘Oh I didn’t know it was off the record, I’m just giving my true, unfiltered opinions to some…
Immediately following the war the south put its historians and writers to work recharacterizing and reframing the war. Normally winners write the history books - but the south mobilizes and controlled the narrative afterwards. It didn’t help Johnson was a complete patsy.
No pity for this woman. Pink Floyd’s Animals addressedpeople just like her and her ilk in Dogs: “And when you loose control, you’ll reap the harvest you have sown.”
The one song you absolutely should play is “Strokin’” by clarance carter - especially towards the end of the night.
Just wait until the next new disclosure that sessions met with Russian officials to discuss the campaign, then there’ll be a flare up. Despite the original lie, and then the revised statement, which was also proven a lie, we haven’t heard peep about he recent revelations. The internal WH discord flared up just the…
That whole loyalty speech, plus the later scene with melisandre and his inability to give up power feels like a chekhov’s gun type situation.
I feel like as they get closer to abandoning trump, the republicans are going to continue this sort of mea culpa for the obstruction during Obama, then make demands for “bipartisanship” and that they need to move past the rancor, without actually meaning it and then try and claim the moral high ground.
Do you think she has spies on dragon stone - cersei seems to know exactly what and when Dany is going to be doing something rather consistently (at least enough to be more than mere coincidence).
“If Republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the Senate, they must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60"
Someone else made this comment on a different story, but I dont doubt it - this wasn’t really a surprise, and he agreed to be the critical no, so the actual no voters could still toe the party line.
I’m not seeing the problem here with Trumps threats - less mining, less oil exploration, less pillaging of pristine landscapes - this sounds like a positive development for the environment!
Were Trumps comments about Sessions just to distract from the report that came out Friday about sessions meeting with Russian officials to discuss the election? That goes against his original lie at his confirmation hearing and his subsequent revision. I haven’t heard pee about it or any further investigations or…
“They know that Obamacare barely passed when it did”
Why did Hillary kill Peter W Smith?