
It also mentioned, this is a pretty new process after CA regulations mandated use of electric(?) trucks, instead of the higher polluting diesel trucks. The companies used this change to tap into new revenue streams and decided they’d buy the trucks and do this lease scam. Whereas before, drivers more readily and

From he original article, these companies have been sued numerous times by the employees, and usually settled for large amounts. Unfortunately, for most, when our living paycheck to paycheck, they can’t wait out the litigation process.

Read the original USA Today article a few weeks ago - it’s a lease to own. Under the terms, they have no ownership interests until its 100% paid off. It seems, once the drivers pay over 50% of the lease they start cutting their routes and given them the less optimal jobs (they’re paid per delivery, not by the hour),

Neither Johnson nor Ryan showed up for the parade his year - and its Ryan’s district.

Last year Ron Johnson was at the Kenosha city parade, as he waked by about 5 yards from us, my mother booed him and gave him thumbs down when looking right at her.

Let’s not get too nostalgic for bush. Lest we forget he drove our economy into the ground, started the war in Iraq that has killed millions, tortured how many thousands of people, and was just as regressive with his social policies - he was just nicer about doing so. Just imagine how terrible things would be if bush

This hits the nail on the head. The constant discussions regarding negotiating prices and competition to let the market lower the price of care really only really works for elective procedures. When you’re having a heart attack you don’t have the chance to price show which hospital has the cheapest procedures or which

Given her track record on her other pet issues (family leave and global warming), is it safe to assume that we can expect trafficking to get dramatically worse?

I hope so. I fly from Milwaukee, so most of my layovers are in Denver or Minneapolis - which do not have lounges. I fly next month from Chicago and plan on visiting it. Unfortunately my fight last week was a delta at lax - so the lounge was in a different terminal. The one lounge I visited (las Vegas) was nice though.

I hope so. I fly from Milwaukee, so most of my layovers are in Denver or Minneapolis - which do not have lounges. I

As someone who travels primarily in the us, the priority club access has been quite disappointing. It has limited clubs throughout the us and often in the wrong terminals that I need. Other han that, the card is great.

As someone who travels primarily in the us, the priority club access has been quite disappointing. It has limited

Their original plan was a tax cut and a vehicle to dismantle the entitlement programs. Next up, social security “improvement” in the tax reform bill that will put it on its death march.

Google fight is usually solid. Lifehacker has tauted tripdelta (now tripcombi), but I haven’t found any differences or unique routes.

True fact, he played “young” Benjamin Button from the beginning half of the movie.

According to Chris Hayes from MSNBC, it could be bigger in the next couple of days. He tweeted there’s rumblings Kennedy will announce his retirement Monday.

Per a Chris Hayes tweet today, there is a chance Justice Kennedy will announce his retirement on Monday.

I cannot separate her roles as a leader in the party as easily as you can. Obviously obama bears a substantial amount of blame for the failings of the DNC (diverting resources to his org has definitely hurt) but unlike pelosi, he is not currently in a leadership position (i’m now sure what he’d resign from currently).

I think she does need to step down from her leadership position because she is the titular head of the party that has seen substantial election losses on her watch (despite it not actually being her direct fault). But the leader needs to take responsibility - otherwise she’s not a leader. Second, she’s been in a

I’d love it if the next Dem president for a period of time sent tweets that were same as Trumps, just with party and specific names changed - listening to the GOP tap dance around why it’s bad now would be sporting.

Or that the lines are absurdly long because it is overcrowded! They just raised prices in an attempt to reduce overall demand.

They needed a defense when the topic of paying players comes up. It’s all an accounting trick. Whenever the issue of paying players comes up, it’s not a coincidence that one of the first arguments is ADs are losing money, so there’s no budget for it.