
I know we’re just flyover country, but you should really check out the Brewers’ bullpen.

I thought the dead fish reference was a metaphor for something too hip for me to understand - but it literally dead fish photos! I guess I never appreciated how popular fishing is.

But trump could both be ignorant and an asset. The true intelligence professionals are experts at manipulating people into unknowingly doing their bidding - and the asset doesnt realize it until it’s too late.

Preach! That is my dream. Although I’d work part time at a movie theater or something that lets me drive around the countryside, and sheepshead instead of bridge.

Does this allow you to claim a tax exemption for the fetus for that year?

“Dems would do it, no doubt!” Except that they wouldn’t and haven’t. Otherwise we’d have universal healthcare instead of the ACA.

What is about my beloved Wisconsin that is continually produces some of the he absolute worst political figures this country has to offer?

Then you’d be amazed by the utter inability to find someone at a register when you do actually need assistance.

It’s a crime only when you’re a minority, and the punishment is usually death. Silver lining, at least they didn’t shoot him this time (I wish this was entirely sarcastic). Contrast this with the footage of the belligerent woman from the delta flight earlier this winter.

How have we gotten to this point where child rearing and development is solely a female concern? Pregnancy is not something that can exist without definitive and discrete action by a male - this makes it a universal health issue. Most of the people who want to treat pregnancy and maternity as a female only issue are

Wouldn’t that be ironic - trump taken down publicly by the very same libel laws that he wants to expand to make suing the press easier.

What should be the priority - saving money for retirement (401k, ira, etc), or paying down student debt -6.55% rate? I am contributing to both currently, but could increase one at the expense of the other.

The point about stepping down from the box should be highlighted even more. You will damage your Achilles jumping down frequently. Yet one of just many injuries common to crossfit.

For a procedure? Lucky you. I got a $450 bill for having the temerity to discuss for 30s something beyond the scope of a wellness checkup, so I was billed a separate office visit (mind you, this brief discussion didn’t result in any actual medical care or advice).

Exactly. Don’t fill this out! Don’t take my word for, hear the experts;

I loathed watching him on the Bucks. Defense for him meant trying to draw a charge. The number of times he just stood still in the lane while his man side stepped him for a layup was astonishing.

Even if he releases the results, do you actually trust that they will be accurate? More importantly, he doesn’t care about the results and will probably never see them! They’ll either confirm his view or he can continue to denounce paid protesters and enemies as ruining it. That assumes results were even the end goal.

Don’t respond to this, it’s just an attempt to create an email list trump can sell to other GOP candidates. Even fake emails will enrich him. Another shameless cash grab.

Do not underestimate the GOP and their mission to abandon every last principle they held. Now democrats cannot meet with ICE officials without first receiving permission from the GOP. What’s going on is disgusting, and the party of small government and freedom has completely sold out to get a few percentage tax breaks

The bright side of a pence presidency and enacting the Ryan agenda - it can more easily be reversed, and actually gutting social security and Medicare could be disastrous for years for the GOP. At the same time, you’d think Kansas and Louisiana would be a clarion call that the supply side trickle down economics