When you have kids, you really need to stop doing stupid stuff in life.
They did, but it was in the tent
What a disrespectful thing to do to that car.
the suspension seems to be broken though...
My brother-in-law is on his third. He also wears shoes with Velcro.
They aren’t switching to full sized SUVs. The CUVs don’t carry the mileage penalty that their big brothers do. That said, I think it’s terribly short-sighted too.
Autojournos and Bloggers are the same people that gripe about hard touch plastics in a $14,000 car. What do you expect?
Every state has it’s unique “thing.” In CA, more than any other state, drivers think, because they have their turn signal on, they automatically have the right-of-way. You’re in the main traffic lane, doesn’t matter, you’d better look out for me . I have my blinker on and YOU have to make room for me, I don’t have to…
In fairness, isn’t an air-cooled 911 just a body-kitted Beetle anyways?
Yep. The specific one I deal with is two lanes turning left. There is a dunkin donuts on the right immediately after the turn. It is inconceivable how many people turn in the left lane then move right as they are turning to get into the DD. Why people why?
My biggest pet peeve is people who insist their car is faster than mine, and upon telling them I would gladly settle it at the track, immediately whine about the cost of attending a track day, autocross, dragstrip, or any other high performance driving event. This is 9 times out of 10 followed up with the insinuation…
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Speed cameras would have prevented that crash.
I’ve been on Jalopnik for a while now, so I know that this is a clear case of the tire pressure being off by less than a PSI.
Never go full Mustang.