5 years old out of warranty is where BMW really starts to shine your wallet.
5 years old out of warranty is where BMW really starts to shine your wallet.
I am aware that china is the biggest market now,but all of these companies are actually supporting a horrific communist regime when they set up shop there. I have nothing against the chinese people but that regime is as corrupt as it can be, they are actually more like a mafia than a legit government.
That is what happened to Fresh Choice, retiree’s would just sit for hours on end.
I think he has CTE like many football players, the 49ers had a FB several years ago who went crazy. Yet we just look at them like criminals. How much money has BJ Penn made for the UFC. Fuck them.
The meat is of better quality and less expensive that a grocery store. Prime steaks are a good example, I never see them at a grocery store but I don’t ever step into a upscale grocer.
I will always have a soft spot for one of these. My brother taught me how to drive a manual, in a 73 spider back in the very late eighties early nineties.
There was no divine intervention when fat man and little boy were dropped now was there.
Japan would have been conquered without the typhoon called kamikaze wiping out the Mongol navy please learn history.There are a few other points that I can make on this but let’s not bore people to death.
They have force fed us this idea that if you don’t graduate with a degree your useless not worthy of respect, no american dream for you. Someone coming out of college today has a 44% chance of working in a field that doesn’t require a degree,so they have a bunch of debt for nothing. We should follow the german model…
I thought I had seen this somewhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPCrtL7x6p0
I would like a c-8 in this color but with chrome wheels.
I wanted to vote np but what could go wrong with an almost 10 year old german luxury branded car.
Did you just say filf?
MiQ most important question can you get it on a c-8?
“The Civil War was a war of Northern Aggression.” No it wasn’t the South tried to secede from the Union. Do not gloss over the fact that the south was incapable of defending it’s homeland. The confederate battle standard is a flag of losers. Sherman in georgia proves that.
Quite frankly the german and japanese knives are the best. This is well known throughout the culinary world.
Toyota should bring back the Mr2 in reply and make it like 40k 300hp.
The outrage with this kind of money he could have maybe bought a c6-zo6 while waiting for the c-8 to comeout.
Newcastle it’s easy to drink goes well with most food. Guinness is excellent. the extra stout is horrendous at least from my memory from like 12 yers ago.
2k hp where can you actually open this car up besides an airstrip or the Autobahn.