I don’t think you messed up.
I don’t think you messed up.
How to know when your car is a failure: When the Plymouth/Chrysler Prowler holds a higher resale value than your nine month old model. Normally it’d take three or four years to hit less than half the original MSRP value for a car. Impressive work, FCA. Impressive work.
Ugh, trench warfare, 1700's tactics against 1900's technology (artillery, chem warfare, bolt and machine-operated guns, airplanes). Utter butchery. WWII is far more romantic.
I agree with the drama. If I wanted more of that in my life, I’ll just read the comment section in trending Facebook topic posts.
Days of Thunder fucking rules.
Be prepared to be bombarded by Cialis and Nugenixs ads.
Then lets do better:
You, sir, are a hero.
Jalopnik hero.
This is my sign on I-80/90 headed west from the OH border, just after the toll booths.
Damn if they didn’t:
But can you park in a tiny parking spot afterwards?
But if you’re cruising on the highway, a manual and an auto are no different.
I drive a stick. I still have moments on long journeys where I’ll suddenly realize, holy shit, I’ve been driving the past 5 minutes? (I’d like to think that in an emergency, my subconscious would snap to)
I dunno, small(ish) car with oodles of power and RWD? Sounds pretty good to me, though I expect the price to be astronomical sadly. If they could sell a metric crapton of this, I might just be able to pick one up in say, oh, 15 years or so on the cheap.
The twin-supercharged V12 Ferrari exploded? How unusual.
I’m pretty sure that’s a lambo.
Friend: What did you do last night?
But who WANTS a Reliant K? No matter HOW clean? Not enough weirdos to drive the price up into 5 figures, surely.
Note to self, if wife brings home an Escape or Outlander Sport it may be a sign I have outlived my usefulness.