It’s interesting and a bit weird whenever a celeb shaves off their famous beard.
Tom Riddle would have been a little more clever than to “forget” meetings he’s required to disclose. He certainly would have cast an Obliviate spell first and foremost on anyone who were to ask about said meetings. Then he would probably resort to using one of the Unforgivable Curses to cover his tracks.
To me he is Tom Riddle.
I’m beginning to wonder if tonight won’t be a turning point as far as impeachment goes. Notifying Russia instead of Congress before bombing Syria isn’t going to go over well with the House and Senate.
She also advocated for establishing a no-fly zone before any attacks, which would have prevented the chem attack in the first place.
Context: I’d trust her to carry something like this out. I do not for a second trust Trump to effectively carry this out.
It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.
I know that this is such an absolutely minuscule thing but it made me furious to see her strike a pose at the African American Museum when Trump spoke there. Again, it’s tiny, but she walks in, stops, pivots, and kicks out her leg ala Angelina Jolie at the Oscars. For fucks sake Ivanka! You’re at a museum about the…
“Look, I get it, people are comforted by the thought of a progressive feminist in the White House,” says Bee, “To which I say, if you wanted that, you should have voted for it.”
The 53% of white women who voted for Trump?
Honestly I never can quite tell which member of this family I hate the most.
More MO posts. I don’t care if it’s about what she had for dinner. The nostalgia is real :(
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
I’m a 46 year old with a subscription to Teen Vogue and I make no apologies.
I said this on another thread: They not only picked a tone-deaf campaign but they picked probably one of the worse celebrities to present it, one who has zero track record (as far as I know) of even speaking out on issues. If they HAD to pick a Kardashian, they picked the worst of the Kardashians