You are so brave name-dropping with all that detail. lol
You are so brave name-dropping with all that detail. lol
Honestly after reading just about everything on Scientology, I will say, if Cruise is gay he is the deeply closeted self hating kind. He’s not the the travolta rubbing down the message therapist type. He either really loved Nicole and Katie or he desperately wanted to believe he did.
Is it just me or does gossip seem particularly lifeless post-inauguration? I just don’t give a shit about any of this stuff. Has Trump really drained my joy that much?
I don’t want to live in a world where Selena Gomez that close to Beyoncé in anything, Jamie Foxx seems like a fun guy to be around so good for miss Holmes.
The Justin Trudeau effect.
I feel like Canada is that quiet guy in my math class who showed up to class one day and was suddenly hot. How did I never notice you before?
Jesus Christ, what year is it to people in Kansas?
It depends on state laws. Kansas for example requires a separate bedroom for each non related adult.
Okay but what about that Cheban dude? He HAS to go.
Yet another good reason all women should be able to choose whether of not they want to have children.
Our first kid was a precious, little bundle of joy.
I have three young boys, and we decided to forego flights before the birth of our third. It’s just too much of a pain. F-ing car seats, strollers, tantrums, diapers, potty breaks, tantrums, “no!”, running, “I don’t want to...”, tantrums.
If you have a child with a severe peanut allergy, THE PARENT should have an epi pen. Think about it, would you expect the airline to have a dispensary and pharmacist/nurse on every flight to cover every sickness/disease? Your plane ticket would be $10,000.
>”...I’m not risking it even if my doctor said to...”
This is your first kid, isn’t it?
My pediatrician recommended Benadryl for children before flights. It eases the pressure in the ears, and tends to make them a bit sleepy.
My hate for Bethenny is as perennial as the franchise itself. I put it away like winter cashmere, only to face it with renewed wariness.
Dorinda and Sonja’s are gold. Ramona and Tinsley’s are acceptable. Carol and Lu’s are lame. Bethenny needs to chill and/or regain her sense of humor.