That and the NRA. Isn’t the NRA a cult?
That and the NRA. Isn’t the NRA a cult?
The people in power are not interested in putting out the fires.
I cannot hear/see Moo Goo Gai Pan without recalling - immediately - the SNL news segment w/ Bill Murray: “In other news, Beijing announced the phonetic correction to two popular Chinese dishes: Moo Goo Guy Dead and Sweet and Sour Dick.
You have kids?
He meant Star Trek.
And here I thought it was the Kool Aide man.
Ahh, the brown snake, or boomslang, the fer-de-lance, and the verdant bamboo snake. Oh, the stories we could tell, eh? the stories we could tell.
CVS is a horror story. Made me feel like an addict when I got my narcotics refilled (my spine is degenerating). Outright lied to me on the refills - “we won’t have that medicine in stock until next week” when they meant “your refill isn’t due for a week” (they mis-entered the refill in their database). How ‘bout just…
I have not worked in restaurants, but a friend who has tells me that chairs are rated based on the average time a person can stand to sit in them. In super fancy high end restaurants the chairs might be rated at 2 hours, while places like Starbucks they might be rated at 15 minutes.
And well on our way to becoming an autocracy.
True. Now, sssshhhhhhhhhhh
“The enemy of my enemy is my haberdasher,” or something like that.
As an American Jew in my 60's (Caucasian, as it were - not wanting at this point to raise the issue of Are Jews White?) I just want to say how proud I am of Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, and Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism for his support.
When the Robot Masters begin the archaeology of mid-21st Century United States they will be amazed at the number of homes with backyard cisterns for holding water during drought.
I’m white, I’m older. On an emotional level, I don’t believe the exchange took place. I don’t believe a police officer goaded a Black man, trying to get him to react so that he could be arrested (etc.).
Yes, I wondered about the “shoot somebody in Times Square” test myself. I guess the live man / dead woman test is out the window.
WOULD there be any population left? Not in Steve’s family ...
Personally, I’m in favor of it. It IS for deterrence. It brings us one step closer to the night when all of America can watch, in Prime Time, a horrible criminal strapped onto to the gurney, can listen to his helpless pleas for mercy, can watch as the deadly cocktail is pumped into Trump’s veins ...
Pound me too? WAIT!