
Oh Em F*ckin’ Gee, Panama is a TAX HAVEN! To not pay taxes there is like having the school bully say he’s only going to charge you a penny a week, and then you stiff him on the penny! 

My head is just filled with questions! Is the balloon reversible, like, can you balloon in the rain and go pretty once you’re inside? When you come out of the balloon do you speak in a high, squeaky voice? Does the balloon trail a string in case of, y’know, wind? Is this whole thing CGI?

Thank you! (I’ll be here all week - tip your waitperson.)

After condolences to the families, I’m thinking and praying for sane gun laws. 

Just curious, but when you made the eggs 9 ways, did you make them to Sunday?

Whelp, we all need some level of drama in our lives. Pardon me: dray-ma.

The night Cromwell died there was a terrible wind storm in England. It was said at the time it was the devil coming for his soul. 

Well .... Old Town ... 

Stopping production vs forced reproduction.

I, um, saw what you did, there Sunset. 

Money. Mouth. Finally!

If for no other reason that every day they do so they keep the Senate busy, keep them from caging children etc. 

I respectfully think you are wrong. Nancy is worried because she remembers the impeachment of Bill Clinton which was done for purely political ends, and it angered the American electorate. NOT pursuing impeachment will be for purely political ends, and THAT will anger the American electorate.

As an old man, one of my take-aways from this life is a line from Salman Rushdie:

They don’t call the area “The Graveyard of Nations” for nothing.

It’s simple, I tells ya, I got the Resolution right here. We just scratch through “Tonkin” and fill in “Oman” then blow up one of our own ships!

Thank you, Tap. 

Bulldink. Here in the South we got plenty of War Memorials and lots of money for upkeep.

Really? Because I thought Beto O’Rourke would be a terrific Fillmore, the 1960 VW bus.
