Manziel says he and Gordon are testing themselves and staying positive.
Manziel says he and Gordon are testing themselves and staying positive.
Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.
Such a play is known as a Kobe, as it allows you to pass to yourself and involves an asshole.
+1 Buttfumble
Way to go, Tyler. A white male in this country finally gets a break due to his family connections rather than talent or experience, and he goes out and fucks it up almost immediately. This is why we never get anywhere.
Reporter: What were you thinking out there?
This is the best series Gawker Media has treated us to in a long time. And that includes 500 Days of Mrs. Jay Cutler.
The 0-3 Cardinals have struck out a combined 37 times in their three losses.
The biggest balls of the night belong to whomever hit the button to drop that confetti.
Neat little fact: the “crosse” in “lacrosse” means the stick itself. In other words, lacrosse is French (or bastardized French-Canadian) for “the lacrosse stick.”
I'm from the south so I know how devastating it is getting the clap from cousins.
The Joe Maddon Cubs are the closest we’ll ever get to the “Major League” Indians and I love it so much.
Can we get some Goose donations in there real quick??
“Here’s 50 cents, kid. Go buy a pack of smokes.”
I am honestly very surprised that this story has gotten all the attention that it has on a national level
+a million of Clive Anderson’s Whose Line points. Which is equal to like 30 million Drew Carey Whose Line points.
Don’t forget the other thing they all have in common: none are legally eligible to be president.
I don’t actually expect him to make the team.
Good Kinja.