
Birth name Feredrico Cucinas.

Yeah, three is about my limit too.

Just want to say this is a great piece, and you just made a fan.

Neil Young had absolutely nothing to do with Suite: Judy Blue Eyes. It was written by Stephen Stills and sung by CSN without the Y.

I want to crown your ass.

Not just for thinking that, no. He was put in an involuntary hold because he was presenting as a threat to cause bodily harm to himself or others.

Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares.

Um, not passive-agressive at all. Directly and dickishly confrontational, in fact.

If when the police lights go on he’s black, then yes, Jason, he’s black.

“Submitting defeat?”

No offense, but I am just so tired of seeing that take today. Hayward was far from a slam-dunk max player in 2014. In fact, while there wasn’t much question the Jazz would match Charlotte’s offer, the vast majority of the league (and Jazz fan base) wondered loudly if it was the right move. The consensus was pretty

Heh . . . you said “do-do.”


1. Comey made a bad decision with timing and substance of the Clinton letter.

Hard to believe, but Favors, when healthy, is actually one of the better big-man P&R defenders on the switch. I’ve seen him surprise many a ball-handler by staying in front and running them way the hell off their spots.

*every day.

*every day.

Those socks, on the other hand, are rad. Anyone know where they can be found? Don’t see them on UA’s site.

Those pockets need to start voting in hordes.

Maybe. But much like we’ve just seen here, you never got to first base.

Probably. At the very least, it sounds like she was kind of a dick about it.