
Keeps people distracted and scared so you can do whatever you want. People are social/pack animals and they need to adhere to absolutist ideologies… Nationalism is one of the best absolutist ideologies around.

War is bad for the average person but the government is run by the rich.

he was a thief

War, man. Waaa-aaa-aaa-aaar, MAN!

Just today that groundhog predicted six more weeks of nuclear winter.

Dying laughing here at the thought of your dog laying on her back, looking at you and thinking “CHOP CHOP HUMAN, I’VE GOT A FULL DAY AHEAD OF ME!”

the toilet thing is hilarious.

Was always going to. Continue reading.

That didn’t seem very nice and you kept referring to the author as a she. Good luck!

Subtlety is the heart of shade. Donald J. Trump has not one subtle cell in his body. QED.

I give these dips, and asshats like Anne Coulter and the others of their ilk credit, because they’ve figured out a way to make shit tons of money by doing nothing. Right wingers have loads and loads of these idiots. The left has…none. Except for celebrities. And intellectuals. But there aren’t any far left media

On a side note, I am fascinated by teh gheyz that support Trump/Alt Right. How does that brain process that cognitive dissonance?

Do tears of laughter taste as good? Because we truly are all laughing at how dumb you bible thumping rednecks are.

I remember when Rep. Paul Ryan mentioned that Rage Against the Machine is what he listens to when he’s getting pumped up before a big debate or speech.

My Senator...leading The Resistance today.

Leveraging humor to ease the pain. Going out with a giggle.

Things like this almost make it easier to accept/process. For me anyway.

Everything I have read about Carrie Fisher since her death has made me love her even more. This is an amazing way to go.

I can’t even begin to aspire to that level of genius.