
Maybe I’m just naive but the fact that this is the response women get from some university administrations baffles me. We’re brother and sister universities so let it slide?! Oh sure just let your gang rape slide, nbd. Gtfoh with that mess.

Yeah he did, he learned not to get caught next time. I’m sure that’s the lesson he’s learned.

I’m not sure you know how I’m attempting to paint it. I posted a fact with a link to the story. And I resent your shitty implication that posting information without going into the legalese is misleading.

My response to not understanding grief over the loss of an artist is to remind people of what art IS: it is an expression of thoughts and ideas and emotions that are bigger than the physical or visual or aural space they inhabit. It is both a part of and independent of the artist. Art means something to the people who

This was a gorgeous piece of writing. I can definitely relate to a lot that’s here (huge Prince fan, lost my dad too early, etc.), but this part...

Ah. Another member of the prematurely dead parents club. As someone who has a similar lack of charity around grief because of my own unarticulated loss, I really appreciated this article. Funny how tears come more easily for someone you didn't know personally but felt connected to nonetheless.

Just last weekend I read her very long profile of the Golden State Killer (aka EAR/ONS). The piece was as much about the crime as it was her own experiences investigating and what the true crime genre meant to her. She was a very engaging writer, and after reading I planned to spend a lot of time on her own website

They rant about Sharia Law while creating Sharia Law.

Recently, an icon in my (soon to be ex, narcissist) husband’s area of expertise died. I mentioned the death to him, and said how sad and concerned I was for the widow (who was once a mentor of mine), and STBX said, “I can’t talk about it. It’s too painful for me. I was one of his favorite people.”

looked blue to me

I think it can apply to first encounters you really liked, too. Don’t get too involved with someone you just met even if you greatly enjoyed your first encounter! Once I was trying too hard to find friends in an new area and had to have an awkward 'friend break-up', so now I have a three encounter rule for myself in

Thank you so much for sharing your story.

The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.

Perhaps TBS will hire D-Money, Smoothie and Swifty. Perhaps gainful employment will stop them from impregnating young white girls.

Just months after announcing their engagement on Instagram, these two have surprised the country by announcing she’s

Yes! I sent this tip. As someone who knows Stacey Newman personally, I can attest that she is one of the most kick-ass women I have ever met. She is always fighting the good fight for women in Missouri, and is someone we can all be proud of. Plus, she’s super nice, smart, and funny.

Anybody read “Crazy Rich Asians” and “China Rich Girlfriend” by Kevin Kwan?