Swaggermuffin Lives

It’s not polite, but the dude straight-up looks like a sexual predator.

Oh. Oh, that’s clearly a dick.

Toxic fanbases are nothing new, sadly (looking at you, My Little Pony, Steven Universe, Homestuck etc). It’s kinda funny how quickly and vocally people jumped to call out R&M and for their shit, though. It’s like a meme of its own.

Oh, fuck off. No one likes Kinja because of its awful, confusing layout, its broken comment system, and its lack of notifications when someone responds to your comments. The awful circlejerk community that’s flooded in from Kinja’s sister sites is just the turd icing on a turd cake.

Pretty much, yeah.

Shut the fucj up, Michael Moore.

Oh hell yeah.

I watched the new Death Note with about a dozen people last night, and boy howdy. That shit was a mess.

Is, uh, is this my excuse to have never seen an episode of Buffy in my life?

Would you be okay with someone else doing it? Asking for a friend.

Yeah, that's an option. That's a lot of work and money involved, though.

Just like you need an actual space to set up a shop in real life, you need a place to host your website. GoDaddy and other companies (remember Geocities?) offer web hosting services for people who can't or don't want to set up their own servers, etc.

I love your username.

I've never considered that Guy Fieri could be evil. But his power is so great that, should it be used for violence, the potential for destruction is immeasurable.

I'm not sure if we're gonna find the names of people in this photo (at least not FROM the photo), but I'll be surprised and disappointed if I don't see people start getting called out for being there.

Wait, what?

Part of me wants him to get off. He's going to jail because he lied to rich people, not because he extorted sick people. If that's the only reason he's facing consequences, I'd be fine if he didn't got to jail at all.

I do think that! Did you have anything else to say?

No. Some ass of a senior engineer writes something stupid, and his co-workers are pissed about it. That's all that's happened so far. Didn't you read the article?

Suckin' dick.