Swaggermuffin Lives

Straight white dude? I'll put down ten.

conservatives continue to miss the point: they're worried about their opinions being respected (read: treated as fact), while women, PoCs and LGBT folk are worried about things like keeping their jobs and their safety in public

That shit's hard, man!

It's not a joke: being hateful and bitter ages you.

Pod the Rod! I thought he'd be dead by now!

Nah, bitch! He came out swinging in the New York Times, he clearly wanted the attention. And frankly, this is a step up in class from the shit he was saying.

this is why hillary lost tbh

Sandisk makes MP3 players with an SD card slot. They're fucking great.

Honestly these kinds of games are a fucking blast. They really do take the shooter experience and make it into something kinda slow, oddly personal and deeply immersive. It's the kind of game you can curl up with for a night.

Y'all ain't played ARMA?

Tricare's great, man.

Yes, and maybe?

these numbers are fucking duuuumb

That's… not a good photo of John Cena.

Literally no one's fucking played this since before I graduated high school. What the fuck is going on?

Disgruntled players might like to know (almost) every Pokemon game is freely playable via emulators on your phone.

Me! Fuck kids!

No, I get it, dude. I don't want to hear what black people have to say about our history, either.

We're all dead inside, man. He's just ahead of the curve.

I'm so used to giving and now I get to recieve