Swaggermuffin Lives

Charlie Hunnam is not attractive. He's just not.

Ugly actions make people ugly, ayyy

It has Wolfcop, how can it be bad?

Who even is Zendaya? Why do I know this name?

I love your username.


Yeah, I don't give a shit about women either.

No one in my family can watch anything on TV that involves the military because of the incredible amount of basic shit they always get wrong.

"How do we make a group of men in white hoods, performing a ritual around a pyre, scarier?"
"What if under their robes it was just a shifting mass of eyeballs and tentacles?"
"Stop digging, you've hit oil."

Oh, hell yeah.

You can take my cargo shorts from my lifeless body.

He's a treasonous bastard what is wrong with you

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read, and Katie is one of my favorite writers on the a.v. club.

I was not looking at the logo next to him, and in my periphery it just registered as a dick.

"Reddit gold subscriptions?" Drugs, barsanti! That's what you would buy with Bitcoin!

Also yes.

then why are you HERE

Taking the piss out of the wealthy and arrogant on social media is not only a good deed, it's the only way to get into heaven

Hey, buddy, fuck you. They go great on a burger.

Yeah, but Sega's making money off of them now.