Swaggermuffin Lives

alright look

Drop that shit on mediafire, fam.

I say this with no malice or ill will towards the guy: God, it must be nice to have that kind of power.

Yeesh, how do you manage that?

Good dog, internet.

In all seriousness, though… This is the equivalent of sending a stranger pizza (as used to be the practice on 4chan). It's a veiled threat: "We know where you sleep." It's not funny, it's scary.

You don't get it, and I know you don't get it because people already say that.

By bitching about fun cakes on the internet?

I mean to never stop using whatever kind of fucked up slang we come up with in the future, until i die. Here's to skorping our brobes, neebs.

Bummerrrrr. I caught the Real O'Neals a couple times, and I thought it was great.


I'd say something about how the "backwards swastika" is a Buddhist symbol, but we all know that's not what he meant.

As someone who lurks /lgbt/ for the drama and has for over a year, I've never seen that happen. I'm really not sure i like your implication that people "act gay" to score political points.

As a youth, I can confirm.

Ew, what the fuck? When did that happen?

Apropos of nothing, I really like the Drudge Report's site layout.

Full disclosure: I fucking loved Linkin Park back in high school, and I still like Meteora. It's a good album, I swear!

I swear to god, I'm in a coma. This has to be a dream.

Globalist, Capitalist Scheme Thwarted By Jobless Neckbeards With 390 Ping

Why Do You Type Like This