Swaggermuffin Lives

When you turn 35, does your brain just stop absorbing new information about how the world works? Why are these patently awful "MILLENIALS!!!" ideas happening? Who is buying these pitches? Why do I get the feeling God died?

I just wanna say I'm fucking loving this column title.

I mean, yeah, I'm getting shitfaced, too.

We'd be at war with Russia, though, so there's that.

A lot of that argument of "but you're not seeing it in motion" tends to be a cover-up for thefact taht a lot of games just kind of have boring environmental design.

Why is everyone wringing their hands about shows like this and Handmaid's Tale being good TV? We're allowed to enjoy things, aren't we?

It weirds us out that you guys don't give a shit about your teeth, but y'know. Cultural differences and what not.

The proper contraction would be "I's."

No one can pronounce "artisan." They all either say "arteesian" or they just don't say it at all. "Can I get, uhhh, the grilled chicken?"

If you look under the bun, we actually write our names directly onto the patty in sharpie.

I mean. I'm just one guy, but I'm gay and I thought it was funny. A little crass compared to his usual stuff, sure, but y'know.

Since when is "alright" not a word?

Yoooooo, what the fuck?



Kids on tumblr have been using it to refer to very fat cats.

Incidentally: If we were casting a black actor for Batman, who do we pick?

I can tell you from experience that it has the exact opposite effect.

Uh. There are ways to talk about how god-awful the show's handling of suicide as a subject is, and… This isn't one of them.
