Swaggermuffin Lives

Nanomachines, son! They're going to make America great again!

Honestly? I feel like part of it is claustrophobia. He whips himself up nigh into panic attacks, and I wonder if he doesn't start to feel like he's suffocating.

Everything wraps back around to game journalism eventually. You'll see!

Well played.

Final Fantasy XIII is a pretty quintessential example of style over substance, but honestly? I enjoyed it. I picked up XIII a few months ago when Square Enix had a big sale on Steam, and despite everything I'd heard about XIII, I was shocked at how linear it is—it really is a beautiful hallway. The game's story, which

That and good combat! The game is a blast to play if you're just looking for a fantasy beat-em-up.

I don't really think this show was banking on much other than the sick escapism of spending an hour in the world where most of Washington has been blown up.

I tend to stay away from difficult watches, but everyone is raving about how well-done this one is, so I guess I'll give it a shot.

Also, and this is super minor, but… Was there a memo passed around at the A.V. Club that "shitposting" was a term coined and specifically used by the alt-right? Because, like, it's not. 90% of what goes on in these comment threads qualifies as shitposting.

He looks like a little shit kid who called his teacher a bitch and now his mom is making him apologize in the principal's office.

God help you.

You took three sentences to say "people don't deserve handouts." Which, fine I guess. It's still a patently horrible idea to make it harder to sue. Tell me, why do you hate the common American?

You heard it from the man himself, folks: this is what he cares about. Nothing else.

I'm playing devil's advocate here, but those weak men got their candidate in office.

You're putting a lot of words in my mouth that I didn't actually say.

This is such a perfect example of how establishment liberals will just absolutely fuck up their own shit for no good reason other than words.

Me! You're supposed to be mad at me!

Yeesh, Marvel. Save that shit for the bedroom.

Are you really not offended? Because you wrote three very emotional paragraphs.

"How dare you guys make me think critically about my videogames! I didn't want to have to think about other people today! You… You mean, entitled snowflakes!" he shouted, stamping his little feets and trying his best not to cry.