Swaggermuffin Lives

Having all the NPCs be playersexual definitely doesn't work for every game, yeah.

Holy shit, you guys featured my comment! This made my night.

The poor man's life is falling apart and I am LIVING FOR IT

Why did no one tell me Gerard Way had a solo album? It's pretty great.

I just sort of assumed he meant the fact that we still let The Big Bang Theory air on our televisions.

Part of me hopes that he keeps his show throughout all of this. He's not… disgustingly creepy in the same way that O'Reilly or even Trump is; he's just clearly unhinged and getting worse by the day. And, maybe I'm a bad person, but I love watching it.

… You're fucking with me, right?

I dropped off the series at the end of season 4. Is it still any good?

Every time someone greets the topic of surveillance with this shrug of "isn't that how it is?" I want to pick them up and shake the life out of them.

Not that I disagree with you, but… "Patriarchy?" That's kind of a reach.

Is that available on PC?

Please, God, just give me The Wolf Among Us season 2.

I think the series is beginning to hit the limits of the thematic potency of its mechanics. (That's a mouthful.) I keep going back to Persona 3. P3's whole moral was to never waste the time you have in life; even its slogan was "Memento mori." There was a paralyzing dread the first time I played through it all,

Instagram. It's what the kids are saying.

I worked at McDongles for nigh upon two years and the Shamrock Shake was the nastiest shit I'd ever sold. It's bright fucking green, for God's sake, and it tastes like straight syrup.

Me, too.

A friend of mine posted a picture of it on Insta and I commented "who caaaaaaares", spelled just like that. She deleted my comment.

It's not that serious, buddy.

You can't out-Jones the Jones, because as wild as his rambling gets, it's important to remember that he sincerely believes that shit.