Swaggermuffin Lives

There can be too much.

Basically, that's it. This is pretty happy news all around, I think.

Eat a dick, buddy.

A lot of that comes from anger and bitterness at how quickly any real attempt to address issues men as a demographic face (male suicide rates, the fucked up legal situation re: paternity rights, the absolute silence and skepticism we give male rape victims) get shut down with a dismissive "lol stfu gamergator."

So just how far can you fit your head up your ass?

You got a link to that video? Wanna do some personal research so I have my facts straight.

Final Fantasy XIV is gonna have my ass glued to the chair this weekend. The story has me hooked in a way I haven't felt in a while.


Fellas, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it. I'm one of the few who didn't like Persona 4 because, even after 3 (which I loved), it was such a radical departure from the rest of the SMT series in tone—that saccharine character seems to have infected the rest of the series and everything else ATLUS touches. I'm

Nothing good has come out of California in fifty years.

Eh. 140 characters forces you to make sacrifices.

Fact-free invective generally tends to be pretty free of actual "ideas."

Don't tempt fate, man.

Fuck's a Gchat?

I go on Tumblr, and my friends think i'm a wacko liberal. I go on 4chan, and my friends think I'm a Nazi.

You're a poet.

If it's tame compared to Modern Family, then I just don't give a shit.

I mean, it doesn't beat my 14,000-word angst/slash Gaston!Lefou smutfic, but progress is progress I suppose.

Oh, hey, it's set in NC! I wonder if they, like, get it right.

The G is silent.