Swaggermuffin Lives

The entire furry fandom says hello.

You sound like a fed.

This is poetic in its cogency.

Holy shit, then what's the point?

Reducing latency, especially in online games. Sixty frames is good, but if you're running at sixty in a game that has an unlimited framerate, there's a good chance you're not really seeing what happens as it happens.

I go through this like once a month. Someone comes through and hems and haws about his cold sandwich, blusters on about how he's never coming back, and then he's back right on time next Monday ordering a McGriddle. It's like clockwork.

… "Squantz?"

Hot tits. Thanks.

I just want comments back on newswires, man.

People age upset about LeFou being "bad representation," but honestly I don't see it. I've seen people upset because he's comic relief, portrayed as "wacky," and because he likes the villain he's guilty by association, but… he's not "campy," and he's not ABCs usual, one dimensional Gay Character. I'm extrapolating

Oh, hey, you guys brought comments back on mobile. Thank god.

God, he's hot.

Am I supposed to feel bad for her? As ignorant and myopic as she is, she's still richer than I'll ever be.

Wait, what the fuck? Since when is Discord an alt-right thing?

Hey, fuck off. Baneposting gives me breath.

What a surprise, metal is a shit-filled cesspool. Isn't that their whole aesthetic?

This is irrelevant to everything, but I keep going back to how Reddit is italiziced. Like, I've never thought of reddit as a publication. People cite reddit posts and comment threads in IAmA's, so I suppose it makes sense to refer to it as a publication, but it's also a community; in a very real way, it's a place

As far as playing goes, I'm playing a fuckton of Dissidia Final Fantasy. I don't really like it, but I love the modern-day FF aesthetic.

gotta lift big if you want a thicc böoty

What crimes? Are you implying that political dissent should be a felony?