Swaggermuffin Lives

How many people will click on this solely to bitch about the people who bitch about the people who bitch about political articles on this site? I know I will.

Pedos get fucked

I hate you.

I don't understand how anyone likes his videos. He started a genre of people screaming their heads off and overreacting at nothing; it's not funny, it's just loud.

Anyone else remember when I said a week ago that I thought John Oliver was the kind of guy who'd let Nazis onto his show, and everyone said "no, that's Bill Maher?"

I feel like this was the only way this art installation could have ended: horribly.

Why milk? Who the fuck thinks milk is cool? Am I not allowed to like milk now? Fucking hell.

I'm gay, and I love their wings.

The last time I had HBO was when his show was just debuting, during the fourth season of Game of Thrones. So no, I haven't watched it recently, but I've watched his youtube clips from time to time.

I just don't like John Oliver. He's very… wealthy white liberal. I feel like he's the guy who's going to invite nazis onto his show so he can have a reasoned, self-serving debate about the validity of ethnic cleansing.


This is gonna get buried, but I just watched Fateful Findings with some friends, and… Hoo boy. We're still quoting it in the group chat.

Hell no.

No see that's what makes it fun

Nick Frost is hotter than hell. I'm on board.

What's the over/under on people getting run over?

Confession: I googled some of her dresses and tbh if I was a girl I'd wear then.

Haiku-only twitter sounds fun.

i loved path of neo tbh

Yeah. My vizio TV that I use as a second monitor (the picture is great, honestly) got a firmware update and surreptitiously turned that feature back on. Since then I've been checking it like once a week to make sure it's still flipped off.