Swaggermuffin Lives

The Matrix game on the PS2 was great, what are you talking about

I hope Yeezus never runs for political office so I don't have to really care about what he says.

Yeah, they're good for that.

Full disclosure: about five hundred of the searches for "Richard Spencer punched gif" coming out of NC were from me.

Idunno. This is weird.

It was something for the commercial, but yeah, it's pretty good.

Well, I mean. That's a shit thing t o do.


Let's be real! Trump doesnt give a shit about policy; he only cares about being liked.

I'd appreciate knowing who trump decides to target with his jokes, at least.

And here you are, bitching about it in the comment threads. Is this how you spend your evenings?

That's the guy's name, you dipshit.

It's, uh. It's getting there. It's expensive, the apps and games available for it are rudimentary and barebones, but we're all pretty excited by the prospect. There's just nothing for VR right now that's worth seven hundred dollars, plus have a computer that can run it, plus possibly rearrange your entire room.

I have a weird relationship with horror: I like the trappings, I'm usually interested in the stories, but I'm too chickenshit to actually watch or play them. So, uh, thanks for these.

That's the trick, sometimes: finding a name that's close to your birth name that also suits your gender.


Sean O'Neal is cute.

This is the more terrifying future: a world where all information is easily searchable at our fingertips, but no one gives a fuck to find it.


They don't, actually. /b/ has, on several occasions, exposed and cracked down on pedophile rings. CP is a bannable offense and i have never found a more hostile community towards child abusers.